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Smurf Revisited

Captain Cozmos

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Here is the largest portion of the Smurf Sprite data set.



    DW $7298


    DB 44H

    DB 000,000,000,000
    DB 001,001,001,001
    DB 002,002,002,002
    DB 003,003,003,003
    DB 004,004,004,004
    DB 005,005,005,005
    DB 006,006,006,006
    DB 007,007,007,007
    DB 008,008,008,008
    DB 009,009,009,009
    DB 010,010,010,010
    DB 011,011,011,011
    DB 012,012,012,012
    DB 013,013,013,013
    DB 014,014,014,014
    DB 000,000,000,008,000,016,000,008
    DB 000,000,000,009,000,016,000,009
    DB 000,000,000,007,000,016,000,007
    DB 000,000,000,008,000,016,000,008
    DB 000,000,016,000,000,000,016,000
    DB 016,000,000,000,016,000,000,000
    DB 000,000,008,000,016,000,008,000

    DW $729D
    DB    0
    DB    3
    DB    0
    DB  9CH
    DB 015,000
    DB 015,016
    DB 015,000
    DB 015,040
    DB 015,040
    DB 015,096
    DB 015,112
    DB 015,096
    DB 015,136
    DB 015,136
    DB 015,064
    DB 015,160
    DB 015,080
    DB 015,176
    DB 015,112
    DB 015,112
    DB 015,128

    DW $72A3
    DB    1
    DB    3
    DB    0
    DB  9CH
    DB 004,004
    DB 004,020
    DB 004,032
    DB 004,044
    DB 004,056
    DB 004,100
    DB 004,116
    DB 004,128
    DB 004,140
    DB 004,152
    DB 004,068
    DB 004,164
    DB 015,084
    DB 015,180
    DB 004,116
    DB 004,116
    DB 004,132

    DW $72A9
    DB    2
    DB    3
    DB    0
    DB  9CH
    DB 015,008
    DB 015,024
    DB 015,036
    DB 015,048
    DB 015,060
    DB 015,104
    DB 015,120
    DB 015,132
    DB 015,144
    DB 015,156
    DB 015,072
    DB 015,168
    DB 004,088
    DB 004,184
    DB 015,120
    DB 004,120
    DB 004,136

    DW $72AF
    DB  0FH
    DB    3
    DB    0
    DB  9CH
    DB 001,012
    DB 001,028
    DB 001,012
    DB 001,052
    DB 001,052
    DB 001,108
    DB 001,124
    DB 001,108
    DB 001,148
    DB 001,148
    DB 001,076
    DB 001,172
    DB 004,092
    DB 004,188
    DB 004,124
    DB 004,124
    DB 004,140

    DB 002,003,000,001,000,028
    DB  80H
    DB    0
    DW $72BF
    DB    0
    DB  38H
    DB    0
    DB    8

    DB 000,003,015,063,127,127,255,255
    DB 254,252,136,000,000,000,000,000
    DB 000,240,252,254,254,220,192,224
    DB 000,048,096,064,000,000,000,000
    DB 001,003,119,221,204,108,063,003
    DB 063,127,227,243,225,032,000,000
    DB 240,198,143,159,254,120,244,135
    DB 207,231,254,252,224,224,000,000
    DB 000,000,000,004,014,015,015,007
    DB 007,207,254,252,240,112,120,060
    DB 000,000,000,000,000,000,224,224
    DB 243,119,119,127,062,062,060,056
    DB 000,000,000,034,051,019,000,000
    DB 000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
    DB 000,000,016,032,000,128,000,000
    DB 000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
    DB 000,000,000,003,015,063,127,127
    DB 255,255,254,252,136,000,000,000
    DB 000,000,000,240,252,254,254,220
    DB 192,224,000,048,096,064,000,000
    DB 000,001,003,119,221,204,108,063
    DB 003,015,063,123,227,241,224,032
    DB 000,240,198,143,159,254,120,240
    DB 128,192,228,231,254,254,224,000
    DB 000,000,000,000,000,004,014,015
    DB 015,199,231,255,254,224,240,112
    DB 000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
    DB 224,224,240,112,112,126,255,255
    DB 000,000,000,000,034,051,019,000
    DB 000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
    DB 000,000,000,016,032,000,128,000
    DB 000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
    DB 001,003,119,221,204,108,063,003
    DB 015,031,059,115,121,060,056,008
    DB 240,198,143,159,254,120,240,128
    DB 192,192,224,232,238,252,028,000
    DB 000,000,000,004,006,003,007,055
    DB 127,255,231,224,224,193,003,003
    DB 000,000,000,000,000,000,224,240
    DB 240,112,112,112,224,248,252,252
    DB 003,015,063,127,127,255,255,254
    DB 252,136,000,000,000,000,000,000
    DB 240,252,254,254,220,192,224,000
    DB 048,096,064,000,000,000,000,000
    DB 001,003,119,221,204,108,063,003
    DB 003,007,015,031,031,031,015,007
    DB 240,198,143,159,254,120,240,128
    DB 192,192,224,224,224,248,208,144
    DB 000,000,000,000,000,000,008,063
    DB 063,063,059,059,051,007,015,015
    DB 000,000,000,000,000,032,096,224
    DB 240,240,224,128,128,224,240,240
    DB 000,000,000,034,051,019,000,000
    DB 000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
    DB 000,000,016,032,000,128,000,000
    DB 000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
    DB 001,003,119,221,204,108,063,003
    DB 003,007,015,031,027,001,000,000
    DB 240,198,143,015,254,120,240,128
    DB 192,192,224,232,239,254,254,000
    DB 000,000,000,004,014,015,015,007
    DB 007,007,015,030,060,062,031,015
    DB 000,000,000,000,000,000,252,254
    DB 254,028,120,254,255,031,128,128
    DB 000,003,015,063,127,127,255,255
    DB 254,252,136,000,000,000,000,000
    DB 000,240,252,254,254,220,192,224
    DB 000,048,096,064,000,000,000,000
    DB 001,003,119,221,204,108,063,003
    DB 127,255,207,223,255,254,224,032
    DB 240,198,143,159,254,120,244,135
    DB 135,143,198,238,124,056,000,000
    DB 000,000,000,000,000,001,031,031
    DB 063,001,007,031,031,015,007,001
    DB 000,000,000,000,000,000,128,224
    DB 240,240,224,192,128,192,224,224
    DB 000,000,000,034,051,019,000,000
    DB 000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
    DB 000,000,016,032,000,128,000,000
    DB 000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
    DB 000,000,000,032,112,112,124,126
    DB 126,062,031,015,013,030,063,063
    DB 001,007,015,031,031,063,063,031
    DB 031,030,156,224,128,192,192,224
    DB 252,255,255,255,239,224,252,192
    DB 156,024,016,000,000,000,000,000
    DB 000,000,128,128,000,000,000,000
    DB 000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
    DB 024,028,024,220,142,015,003,001
    DB 001,001,000,000,000,000,000,000
    DB 000,000,000,000,128,192,192,224
    DB 224,225,099,031,063,035,055,028
    DB 000,000,000,000,000,000,000,060
    DB 096,225,231,127,063,030,252,000
    DB 000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
    DB 000,128,192,192,128,000,000,000


The RT is because everything is facing right and is mirrored when going left.
You can tell that this is a lot of sprites because even though it is a simple animation of walking, the sprite also bobs up and down which is not math, just a sprite pattern lower or higher than the rest.  You may also get the impression that this was the focus of the game.  To have a Smurf in a game doing something, "anything".  In 1982 Smurf was king.

Doing this through an animation table would be a huge setup because you are running and updating frames through each loop.
The BIOS has an enormous advantage over setup of your own custom table.

The above is pretty much all you have to do other than change X/Y to move around.

One sprite for the hat, one for the eyes and ears, one for the body/moving arms and one for the moving legs.



I plan on releasing the new disassembly which is 99% done.
I've run into two snags which keep it from being 100% transportable.  Meaning that you can move any piece of data anywhere and it will compile and run.

For the most part I have been able to do this but am running into aspects which I think are related to the PASCAL entry points.
I may be wrong but at the same time I have not found documentation of using the PASCAL routines over their counterparts to verify my theory.

What I am coming up against falls into the TIMERS and TIMERP.  Maybe a few others things but these seem to be data that can not be resolved and can not move in the ROM area.  Meaning, they are fixed addresses and I can't find the pointers.  However, I may be able to rewrite those parts that rely on the PASCAL routines to use the standard ones.  They are only a few so we will see how that goes.

Smurf is not as complicated as I thought it was.
Once I broke down the tables it came together like a puzzle and it's actually fairly simple and easy to alter outside of what I mentioned.



Most of the game is centered around the animation of the Smurf Sprite while the screens themselves are simple table driven scripts that scrolls from side to side.


This is a basic breakdown of how it works.  I have even switched these around a bit and it does work with a few graphical errors.  Example ROM included below.


                DW FOREST
                DW MOUNTAIN_A
                DW CAVE
                DW MOUNTAIN_B
                DW FOREST
                DW DUNGEON_HALL
                DW DUNGEON_END



The Smurf walking sound is called through two PASCAL entry points while the rest have sound data is called through PLAY_IT.  The background music, Tables 0-9, are updated at several areas every cycle.


There are 3 other sprites of course, the crow, bat and spider.

The Mushroom, castle and spider web seem to be superimposed onto the background after the screens have been drawn.  The trees, hills and clouds are partially randomized.


And it loops.  Nothing major or outstanding.

The prototype, which I also disassembled, is I would say 85% the same.  The major difference I have found is that the scrolling backgrounds table seem to have been written differently despite it working the same as the release.  The sound tables are slight in data as well as the clouds.  Trees are not the same.


Of course the subtle differences in the game are noticeable but what is fascinating to me the evolution of the program.



If it weren't for the copyright I would have no problem expanding this using the original source.

For sh***ts and giggles I may add the window to the mushroom and the torches on the walls of the dungeon but it would still be free for anyone.


Once the game has been broken down you should be able understand that it was programmed in such a way that you can add or take away as if it were a script as long as the elements are in ROM.


Boring Hike Smurf.rom

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BTW....The boring smurf hike rom was only hacked to the point of working at a basic level, getting from A to B and not to be thought of as a completely playable game.  So please do not excoriate me in the comments if something doesn't work.


I changed a few elements within a matter of seconds to produce an example with little thought of anything else.

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After some experimentation and looking outside of the game itself, deep into the BIOS.  It is apparently and 100% clear that the data I can not resolve on the cartridge itself is data required by INIT_TIMERP.

I have no documentation about these pascal routines but I can point to these timers through a custom routine.

Now here is the real question...
Is this just an exercise to have a completely disassembled game or a hack to remove antiquated pascal garbage just to get it running.

I mean, I can do it.  I'm not selling anything, I don't own the (C) so what is the purpose other than bragging rights.

At the end of the day, this was an exercise for documenting history along with education on how to program in Z80.


So a question to whomever, what are the legal ramifications to modify this game in order to turn it into a Super version but do not sell it.

Also, at the end of the day, how much more Smurf can you stand?

All this game will ever bring is a scrolling jumping game.

If I wanted to scroll up in order to maybe jump up a table or book case, that would take a whole new routine.
If I wanted to just keep going to the right, just how many more mountains and caves?  New animals? Jump over mice?  Sneak past the cat?

let me know your thoughts.



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While you're still working on improving this ROM, I want to let you know that, in Skill 1, there is a mysterious white object that comes up from the bottom of the screen while in the castle level. Please try to look into this.

(watch 2:21-2:23 and 2:25-2:27, and again at 3:36-3:38 and 3:40-3:42, 5:07-5:09 and 5:11-5:13, 6:21-6:23 and 6:26-6:28, and 7:35-7:37 and 7:39-7:41)


Thank you,





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3 hours ago, Captain Cozmos said:

I don't know why it is showing up but it looks like the Sprite for the eyes and eye's.

I don't know why it's even there... I mean, it's not there in Skills 2, 3 and 4 with the spider coming down and approaching you.


Also, have you watched this video about the rare 24K version of Smurf Rescue?



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Cool, did not know there was a 24k version.
Please share so I can disassemble it.





I have looked high and low, in all the archives but I have not found a 24k version anywhere.
So unless someone is hoarding it or it's just so uncommon that no one cares I can only conclude that it is a rumor or something else.

After looking at the prototype I can see the evolution of the game from 20k to 16.
But, the game itself is incredibly small and if you look at it, all it consists of is a single smurf, a single background and some music.  Not a whole lot.
Yes it has several backdrops but they are only patterns that scroll in a single area.

What does it do?  Walks back and forth, jumps up and down.  Not much else.
I am just breaking it down to it's essence and not tossing the game to the side.  Looking at it from a programmers point of view.

So, the 16k version still has the PASCAL entry points.
If you look at the 24k version of Donkey Kong, all those PASCAL entries are there and removed for the 16k, some things shifted around and maybe there was also some hidden code in there or something but that was the evolution of DK.

Until something new comes along the record, for me, shows Smurf Rescue started at 20k and was honed down to 16k, tables improved, sound improved but that is how things go.  You flesh it out, get it working then optimize the code.

So, in fairness, unless a 24k version hits the scene then all it is is just word of mouth at this point.


Of course I am always eager to learn new stuff so if it shows up then I will happily disassemble it and share my findings.

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3 hours ago, ColecoFan1981 said:

I don't know why it's even there... I mean, it's not there in Skills 2, 3 and 4 with the spider coming down and approaching you.


Also, have you watched this video about the rare 24K version of Smurf Rescue?



Yes, is that not the 20k prototype?
I already disassembled it and am in the process of labeling as much as possible in order to release that to the community as well.

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This is just a nitpick, but I always thought that Gargamel's castle never looked right.  The castle itself is fine, but the way they just sort of stuck it on one of the hills with that square base looks bad.  I wonder if there's a way to make it look a bit nicer?

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1 hour ago, Tempest said:

This is just a nitpick, but I always thought that Gargamel's castle never looked right.  The castle itself is fine, but the way they just sort of stuck it on one of the hills with that square base looks bad.  I wonder if there's a way to make it look a bit nicer?

As soon as I resolve all of the PASCAL garbage I think I'll pretty it up a bit.

Last night I disassembled River Raid, Squish 'Em and Space Panic.
It's getting to where I can tear these things apart within a couple of hours and resolve most link issues.
I just know what to look for and the jump tables are almost completely memorized at this point.

Squish 'Em was an interesting read.
It uses non standard BIOS calls for what it does and direct out for the speech while the other sounds are through the manager but even that seems hacked.

Space Panic is standard Coleco programing and River Raid scrolls by changing register 4.

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21 minutes ago, OurVision said:

I love the work you've done on this Captain. Thanks for sharing it.


Here is some more information about graphical glitches in Smurf Rescue, specifically what is known as "naked Smurfette":



That was a favorite of mine when growing up.
I watched a youtube? interview in where this was brought up.  They were also talking about why there was a 13 second delay that showed the Coleco title.  Look it up, it's a good video.

I went in halves with my mom and bought a Colecovision back when it first came out.  Christmas money and all of that.  Smurf and Venture were my first games.
Anyway, I found a glitch that when you go back and forth between screens it would crash the game.
I even had double of the same card in BJ and Poker. i,e, two Ace of diamonds and that sort.   I think those earlier models just had issues.

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On 9/26/2023 at 6:20 PM, Captain Cozmos said:

I don't know why it is showing up but it looks like the Sprite for the eyes and eye's.

According to the Blue Buddies website that Our Vision recently shared, that strange graphic in Skill 1 is actually Smurfette's dress floating around. But still, it shouldn't be happening in the first place (could it be the equivalent of her shouting "HELP!"?) and, according to the same source, is indeed a programming error along with the related "naked Smurfette" trick.



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12 hours ago, ColecoFan1981 said:

according to the same source, is indeed a programming error along with the related "naked Smurfette" trick.

The "naked" trick is due to the 4 sprite limit on a horizontal line of the VDP. If you play it with an emulator that has the option to display 32 sprites on a horizontal line, with an F18A modded CV or ADAM or with the CollectorVision Phoenix set to display 32 sprites per horizontal line, her dress does not disappear.


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20 hours ago, Captain Cozmos said:

That was a favorite of mine when growing up.
I watched a youtube? interview in where this was brought up.  They were also talking about why there was a 13 second delay that showed the Coleco title.  Look it up, it's a good video.

I went in halves with my mom and bought a Colecovision back when it first came out.  Christmas money and all of that.  Smurf and Venture were my first games.
Anyway, I found a glitch that when you go back and forth between screens it would crash the game.
I even had double of the same card in BJ and Poker. i,e, two Ace of diamonds and that sort.   I think those earlier models just had issues.

Yes, it is doable on Skill 3 or 4, each with different results:
Skill 3: some "initials" appear.

Skill 4: 919,500 points


And on Venture, in any room exit and re-enter multiple times until a Hallmonster gets close to you. When you then exit, the Hallmonster will be at the entryway you came into, making it impossible for you to escape. This glitch can also be done in the original arcade release, and was intended to stop the player from "tying up" the game for too long.



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43 minutes ago, OurVision said:

I have managed to see Smufette's dress float on the second to last screen. I have not seen it float elsewhere but I believe it does. What a strange bug.

After mulling through almost every single Colecovision rom I have found that very little, if any, of the code was used for secret messages or Easter eggs.

There was little to no extra memory or space for anything.
Yes, there were the exception like War Room, or a bit of hidden text in the leftover rom padding but actual code that can be used to create a hidden tidbit just is not there.

Sometimes a glitch is just a glitch that can be caused by a power supply not giving you all 5 volts or an NMI that was not disabled before a screen write.

But, when it comes to legends and lore, why screw with history.

Adventure was one of those in which it was so well hidden then who am I to say that something is not buried in the code somewhere.

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I was watching a Youtube video recently of Smurfs for the Colecovision. The player had a pretty good run too. I noticed periodically when he jumped over the shrubbery, the game would make the successful jump jingle... but not award points. Anybody else see this?


I agree on Tempest's assessment as well...Be nice if there was a graphic showing the castle itself or entrance. I guess the "spider room" is an indicator you are in the castle. Even more confusing in the 2600 version, you go in the "spider room" but jump back to the exterior landscape.


Love this game and it's primitiveness. Just wish we got more perils in the Castle itself.

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5 hours ago, schuwalker said:

I was watching a Youtube video recently of Smurfs for the Colecovision. The player had a pretty good run too. I noticed periodically when he jumped over the shrubbery, the game would make the successful jump jingle... but not award points. Anybody else see this?


I agree on Tempest's assessment as well...Be nice if there was a graphic showing the castle itself or entrance. I guess the "spider room" is an indicator you are in the castle. Even more confusing in the 2600 version, you go in the "spider room" but jump back to the exterior landscape.


Love this game and it's primitiveness. Just wish we got more perils in the Castle itself.

After I disassembled the binary I found that the code is very repetitive.

If you look at how the games were made in the past you have to understand the development process and the tools.  So, you get what you get.  Today, we have everything from A to Z that takes care of everything but your imagination.

I call on anyone who has earlier versions or prototypes of Smurf Rescue to post them so I can disassemble and compare.
I disassembled the 20k prototype and found that it does literally the same thing but is 4k heavier than the 16k release.
I hear there is a 24k but I have not seen it.

The 16k and 20k both have Pascal entry points so there is still room for improvement and reduction.

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5 hours ago, Captain Cozmos said:

After I disassembled the binary I found that the code is very repetitive.

If you look at how the games were made in the past you have to understand the development process and the tools.  So, you get what you get.  Today, we have everything from A to Z that takes care of everything but your imagination.

I call on anyone who has earlier versions or prototypes of Smurf Rescue to post them so I can disassemble and compare.
I disassembled the 20k prototype and found that it does literally the same thing but is 4k heavier than the 16k release.
I hear there is a 24k but I have not seen it.

The 16k and 20k both have Pascal entry points so there is still room for improvement and reduction.

Again, I didn't say there was an actual 24K ROM version, but that the 20K prototype was pretty close (still three EPROMs).


Also, I agree about the redundancy of repeated code in some subroutines. Any repeated code, if required for some subroutines to work effectively, can instead be called upon via jumps and jump-to-subs.



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29 minutes ago, ColecoFan1981 said:

Again, I didn't say there was an actual 24K ROM version, but that the 20K prototype was pretty close (still three EPROMs).


Also, I agree about the redundancy of repeated code in some subroutines. Any repeated code, if required for some subroutines to work effectively, can instead be called upon via jumps and jump-to-subs.



And I understand that you did(nt)
I also understand that when my mother bought the game for me when it first came out there were differences in it that I know are not in the code.
I have found some rogue subroutines that are not linked and the only way I can verify my suspicions are to find the other version.
I have maybe 10 copies of Smurf Rescue but in order to verify the data I either have to dump them all or open up the shells.
If the label is no good then I will do it.

I tore apart a $500 language card for science and it was met with a ho hum.  So I am conservative with my contributions these days.

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