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Altirra printer output screen -- 40 columns only?


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I did a quick search and didn't find an answer, so, I figure I'll ask.  I am using the printer output, in Altirra, whereby I have a device configured as a virtual printer ("P:") and can get a virtual printout in the "Printer Output" window.  Presently it's only 40 columns.  Is this normal?  Can I configure this to be 80 columns?






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4 hours ago, phaeron said:

Not currently, it simulates a baseline 820 -- doesn't do line splicing for the wider printers.


That's odd, mine seems to print any width I send to it ?


Unless I'm missing something in how the printer is being setup.

10 DIM A$(100)
20 OPEN #1,8,0,"P:"
110 CLOSE #1



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It's interface dependent. The Printer device in the emulator implements both CIO hooks and an SIO device. If you write through the CIO device, you'll get more than 40 columns in current versions, but if you're sending SIO commands -- say, because you're working on a print spooler -- it'll be limited to 40 columns. That's because the SIO protocol fundamentally still sends 40-column chunks, it's just that some printers re-splice the lines via the EOLs in the sent data. IIRC, there were some unusual behaviors in the way that some OS versions sent EOLs in corner cases, which is part of the reason I started disassembling the 820 and 1025 firmwares (not having the physical printers, nor much of a desire to actually get said printers).


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32 minutes ago, phaeron said:

It's interface dependent. The Printer device in the emulator implements both CIO hooks and an SIO device. If you write through the CIO device, you'll get more than 40 columns in current versions, but if you're sending SIO commands -- say, because you're working on a print spooler -- it'll be limited to 40 columns. That's because the SIO protocol fundamentally still sends 40-column chunks, it's just that some printers re-splice the lines via the EOLs in the sent data. IIRC, there were some unusual behaviors in the way that some OS versions sent EOLs in corner cases, which is part of the reason I started disassembling the 820 and 1025 firmwares (not having the physical printers, nor much of a desire to actually get said printers).


That explains it!  Since I am avoiding CIO, and sending straight to SIO, I only get 40 columns.  That's fine.   🙂


32 minutes ago, phaeron said:

I started disassembling the 820 and 1025 firmwares (not having the physical printers, nor much of a desire to actually get said printers).

You really do need to get a 1025.  Printing 20 pages, on a 1025, needs to be experienced to be truly appreciated.   🙂






Edited by reifsnyderb
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