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PokeyMax v2B installation issue


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Hi 👋 
I just finished pimping out this 130XE with the following:
PokeyMax v2B (Stereo + Quad Covox) 

Triple checked all my wiring, fired it up and (yeah! 😃) it booted to SDX. The only issue is there is this loud buzzing noise coming from the TV speakers. I double checked all the wiring again and everything looks sound. I put the Pokey chip back in and the buzzing stops. The L and R audio from the PokeyMax are connected to the L and R audio on the SAVO, and the jumper is removed. I wired the PokeyMax according to this diagram I found on the RetroLemon site. My question is, am I supposed to add those two 10uf resistors to the L and R audio 🤔? Initially it looked to me like they were only to be added if the audio was being connected to an external device.



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I was replying on facebook, but for the benefit of the thread...

  • Pokeymax 2B has the external decoupling caps built-in, its just Pokeymax 2 that doesn't.
  • There are 4 outputs and the 4th goes direct to pin 37, its not on the header
  • To play bad audio like that I'd say most likely it has the wrong core and has gtia audio input on one of those address inputs.
  • Run pokeycfg to check the version is correct.
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I had the buzzing sound when I used my Pokeymax was due to using the ground from the Pokeymax pin itself. I solved it by picking up ground somewhere else on my XE remake (I think I picked it up from the pins on the cart/eci port).


How are you grounding your external  audio from the SAVO? Also, it seems you have a wire from the ground pin going to the ground plane of the PCB. In my setup, I left it unconnected since I picked up ground somewhere else.


@foft: Is it necessary to connect up the ground from the Pokeymax if it is not used?



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Issue Resolved!

I have been in contact with the person who sold me the PokeyMax and I found out exactly what version I have (Quad version with Auto control) and wired it according to one of the diagrams I found on the RetroLemon site, and the device is now working properly. Thanks to all who took the time to share their input, and apologies for not responding sooner, as I was unable to make the time.



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