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What are your favorite and least favorite 7800 original/retail games


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Favorite - Food Fight mainly because you can't play it on many systems and I have a coin op version of it.


Least Favorite - I'll say Ace of Aces. It may be a great game but I'm not a fan of this genre.


I like that the 7800 has some interesting and unique games like Ninja Golf and some variations of well known games like letting you play 2 players simultaneously on Centipede

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I know that most of the sports titles have problems, but Jinks is truly awful: controls are broken, the digitized speech sample hurts my brain, and the colours are ugly. The A8 port (unreleased) is actually playable (and still not much fun), which actually shows you how much of a disaster this port is.


And here's one from left-field: I really, really don't like 7800 Scrapyard Dog...which is one of my all-time favourites on the Lynx. Almost nothing works well in this version, including shaky controls and a lack of a sense of fun. I tried many times to get into this one...and just ended up going back to the Lynx. Such a shame.


Favourite: Galaga.

Edited by davidcalgary29
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Back in the late eighties and early nineties we didn't have many 7800 games.  Most of my collection was 2600 stuff, but I remember the 7800 games just felt so special by comparison!  Obviously there was a step up in graphics but to my young mind, they were epic games.  


I was obsessed with Rampage as it was a game that (to me anyway) looked and felt like an NES quality game.  Plus playing as monsters and smashing buildings was incredibly different from any other game I had played.  


I also really enjoyed Pole Position 2!  I remember seeing the backgrounds move left and right, in and out of view was amazing to me!  At the time I was terrible at it but I didn't care, it was fun to play and look at.


As far as games I didn't like, well I was weird back then and couldn't comprehend that videogames could be bad.  If a game had bad controls or something, I assumed I was doing something wrong.  Mind you I was pretty young, but my mind equated videogames=fun!  But if I had to give one I didn't like back then, I'd say the original Donkey Kong.  I loved Jr but the original was beyond hard to me, I just couldn't get the hang of it.  Today I have a much different opinion...


Today my favorite retail game ever is Asteroids!  It's a game I can return to any day, any time and have a blast!  A few others I enjoy are Midnight Mutants, Food Fight, Double Dragon and Water Ski.  My absolute least favorite game is Real sports Baseball.  Besides that I also dislike Crack'd, Tank Command and Meltdown.

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