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Robot Zed 7800 first demo and progress


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Good stuff! I used peekchar as well for Millie & Molly and some other projects - very quick compared to calculating offsets yourself.


Another flick-screen platformer I've been working on I've used a tile set per screen rather than an overall tile set as it's allowed some flexibility and extra tiles that all wouldn't fit into one gfx block.  I've also compressed and unpacked that into RAM (I like to use 128k+16Ram roms) so the game code can still all live in one bank (though code duplication across works fine as well in this scenario).


I was hoping to put together the present side of the example but work has snowed me under again - I'll try and do this over the weekend if I can.



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Cool.  Be interested in seeing that.  I've done more work on it today.  I found that I can fill out a graphics block with 32 zed sprites, so I went back and got all the zeds that I will need for the game in there.  I took out the "ducking" sprite since I won't be using that in this version for power changing.  There will be a bit of a menu system for that instead, now that I have more capability with the 7800.  That was something I just couldn't quite squeeze into the 2600 version.  I added the "hurt" sprite and the ladder climbing sprite.  Yep, that's right.  Zed can climb ladders to upper areas now in this version, just like you can in Mega Man.  The 32 was the perfect amount.  Sure, it won't allow me to do some other ideas I had, but I think I can live with that.  I also went and scaled back the level graphics massively.  I got 18 in total now for Base Area.  If I can do 18 4x16 sprites for all 9 levels in one block, I won't need to copy in RAM, like I've been looking to do.  I can get probably the 4 MAIN enemies that you will find on all the levels in the last available 8K block.  Any other levels though that will have more that the typical 4, I will probably have to do their levels in their very own bank to squeeze in the other enemies.  But that's where I'm at right now.

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