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How ignore the collision between objects on minikernel?


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I can't think of an easy way to avoid this; either the collision register gets activated or it doesn't, there's no chance to check it  in bB code before your minikernel code has already run.


It sounds like this is your own custom minikernel, though? In that case, you can check for collision in your minikernel and set a bit in one of your bB variables, and use that to determine if that particular collision has occurred in your bB code. A bit klunky, but it should work.

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On 10/28/2023 at 12:39 PM, nvlgun1996 said:

Hi guys, i have a little problem with que collision check in my project. On my minikernel i put both players together, this activated the collision check, but i want check the collision only outside of minikernel. how i can do it?

Maybe check to see if colliding object is NOT <p0x-2 or >p0x+2

and NOT <p0y-2 or >p0y+2








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On 10/28/2023 at 5:24 PM, Karl G said:

I can't think of an easy way to avoid this; either the collision register gets activated or it doesn't, there's no chance to check it  in bB code before your minikernel code has already run.


It sounds like this is your own custom minikernel, though? In that case, you can check for collision in your minikernel and set a bit in one of your bB variables, and use that to determine if that particular collision has occurred in your bB code. A bit klunky, but it should work.

you mean change a variable when on minikernel? i did it before but not works 😕

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@nvlgun1996 I just had another thought. I assume that the collision is occurring because you are overlapping the player objects in your minikernel to e.g. get more than one color per line. However, since hardware collision on the Atari 2600 is pixel-perfect, if you make sure that the overlapping players don't have any pixels in common, then no collision should be detected. There won't be any visible different anyway since the overlapping pixels of P1 would end up getting covered-up anyway. Does that make sense?

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I'm not sure if I'm understanding your usage of the term "mini kernel"


Are you talking about batari BASIC mini kernels like 2playerlives.asm or the multi sprite kernel or what?


In any case, if yer mashing hardware sprites together built in routines are out.  You should probably make your own soft collision routines (i.e. check bounding boxes)

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13 hours ago, Karl G said:

@nvlgun1996 I just had another thought. I assume that the collision is occurring because you are overlapping the player objects in your minikernel to e.g. get more than one color per line. However, since hardware collision on the Atari 2600 is pixel-perfect, if you make sure that the overlapping players don't have any pixels in common, then no collision should be detected. There won't be any visible different anyway since the overlapping pixels of P1 would end up getting covered-up anyway. Does that make sense?

i see...my objective is make the player0 alongside player1, this is possible without overlapping pixels...i will try this, thanks for this tip :)

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