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Does anyone here actually ever use FujiTalk / Shoutbox?

Clint Thompson

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Maybe I shouldn't be, but I'm kind of surprised given the very limited amount of FujiNet games and social programs available, that no one appears to be using them.


Haven't seen a single person in either 5-Card, FujiTalk or Shoutbox. Maybe I'm using the wrong versions or looking in the wrong places?


Where is everyone at or what are they doing on their FujiNets?


Someone should create a Twitter/X spinoff program called 8Bitter ;) no following or follow-back needed, it would just load every Atari user in order of newest to oldest, given the community would be so small anyways, can't imagine there being much problem in needing to create anything near as complex. Maybe an all-in one program that points to a single server so there's no divide, offers a Twitter like feed, a primary chat room, an Atari e-mail like system and incorporates on-line game areas. It could even be called SoliAtari On-Line! (in reference to the old Compuserve ads, don't be a Solitary Atari) 😄

Edited by Clint Thompson
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