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POKEY Metal Jam - some shout outs and possible improvements?


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Ever since I first saw Devo on Saturday Night Live in the 70's, I've been interested in synthesizers and electronic music.  By the time I started going to arcades, one of my most cherished memories was hearing Gottlieb's Reactor in attract mode - it had a synthesized drum and guitar soundtrack that I absolutely loved.


I also cut my teeth on NWOBHM and "glam metal" of the 70's / 80's, and I always wanted to create something similar to what I heard with Reactor on my Atari 400.  I thought it might be "easy" to cover Black Sabbath's Iron Man as an RMT song, as I do play guitar and drums.  This is what I ended up with - so far from "easy" that it actually took me some time to create this.  


It's about 95% accurate to the original - I literally tabbed the guitars, bass, and drum lines as they are heard in the song, with some exceptions.  There are some mild timing issues, where Tony Iommi plays a fast 4-note run or triplets that might be off (I tend to create my RMT songs using 8 note measures).


Some shout outs - I used the cool lead guitar sound that @VinsCool created, as well as a neat syn drum sound.  I had to use @pseudografx snare sound, it sounds incredible (hence why the instrument speed is 2).


I had some issues with the guitar sounds.  By this I mean the main riff - I don't love it, although it was about as good as I could come up with (so if anyone wants to "improve" it, feel free).  I also had some issues with the guitar bends that Tony Iommi does during the solos - I ended up leveraging one of @VinsCool "flute" sounds to mimic that, but I think someone could do better than me.


Needless to say, I had fun doing this.  I love Black Sabbath and obviously the song is legendary and kind of funny to do on RMT (there is an "8-bit" version on YouTube that is pretty cool).  If you like Sabbath, enjoy and let me know what you think!


Iron Man.rmt

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6 hours ago, Rybags said:

Suggestions - maybe try an 8 channel stereo version as well ?


Request - how about AC/DC "Shoot to Thrill" ?

I would love to try 8-channel / stereo, but I've been struggling trying to create something there.  I'm prone to wanting to use the extra channels as additional voices, rather than as true stereo, and I end up with a funky mix.  I'm not 100% sure, but is there a way to pan channels from left to right?  I doubt that exists, but if it does, then I could make some hay with it.


I'm a massive AC/DC fan, Shoot to Thrill will be on my list of "to do's".  I have a good back story for that song, if I get around to creating it, I'll tell the story along with it...

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/13/2023 at 2:13 AM, Rybags said:

Suggestions - maybe try an 8 channel stereo version as well ?


Request - how about AC/DC "Shoot to Thrill" ?

Not finished, but here's a taste of AC/DC's "Shoot to Thrill" in 8-channel stereo.  So far it has been fun, doing the leads might be a slight task...


Edited by rdefabri
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