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In researching for the Stan Awards (see EVENTS forum, please!) I ran across some questions that need answers.


When was Euchre released? The AA database says 2002, but there was much ado about it not getting released on schedule. So does anybody know when it was officially released?


Do Skeleton+ and Space Treat Deluxe count as new homebrews? Or would they be considered as "updates," or "expansions," or something else?


Right now the list of 2600 homebrews released in 2003 is rather short (about 5), Are there more I don't know about?


Thanks for any help!



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When was Euchre released?  The AA database says 2002, but there was much ado about it not getting released on schedule.  So does anybody know when it was officially released?


I do believe it was released late in 2002 by Hozer, although not too many copies were sold before he closed up shop.


Do Skeleton+ and Space Treat Deluxe count as new homebrews?  Or would they be considered as "updates," or "expansions," or something else?


That's a good question, I'm not quite sure how to approach games that have been re-released with some enhancements. You could also add Thrust+ Platinum to that list, although gameplay-wise nothing changed.


Right now the list of 2600 homebrews released in 2003 is rather short (about 5), Are there more I don't know about?


Let's see:


- Backfire

- Skeleton+

- Space Treat Deluxe

- Star Fire

- Thrust+ Platinum


I could be missing some. Three of those are updates of previous games, of course. The possibility exists that more games may be released this year, such as Kablamo!, but I can't say with any certainty at this point.



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Do Skeleton+ and Space Treat Deluxe count as new homebrews?

IMO those (and Thrust Platinum ;)) are just updates. Awarding them may result in even more updates in the future.


And IMO the way Dennis is doing it wth Climber 5 is the best one, he is taking the time it takes to finish the game 100% before releasing it on cart.


But why are you only looking for 2600 homebrews? :?

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Hi Stan!


Do Skeleton+ and Space Treat Deluxe count as new homebrews?  Or would they be considered as "updates," or "expansions," or something else?


For an easy rule, you should probably just try to remember wether you already considered a game last year. Maybe if there was a really exceptional update like with the two games mentioned above, you could still consider them again.


But I'm somewhat uncertain wether *updates* should be encouraged at all. :ponder: :wink:


*spotsVaultAssault2003onthehorizon* :D




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That is good enough for me. I was sketchy about considering "updates." I think you folks are right, the game should be original, otherwise Thomas will NEVER stop updating Thrust! :D ;)


Albert, thanks for the other info! Your HB list matches mine.


Thomas, I'm only looking at 2600 homebrews because there aren't enough HB for other systems to warrant an award. Without competition, I may as well just give the award away.


Trust me, I wish I could branch out, but its still too early.

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Thomas, I'm only looking at 2600 homebrews because there aren't enough HB for other systems to warrant an award.  Without competition, I may as well just give the award away.

You got me wrong, I meant considering other classic platform homebrews for a general homebrew award. Thus not limiting that award to the 2600 at all.

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The only problem there Thomas is that comparing a 5200 HB and a 2600 HB is totally apples and oranges.  I just don't think there can be a fair comparison.

As long as you know the limits of the systems (e.g. by comparing with other games for the same platform) it is IMO very possible. Just a little bit more work for you. :)

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point well made, Thomas, but I argue this:


The BEST HB game for the VCS may be exceptional, but is it fair for it to be beat out by the BEST HB game for the 5200, just because the 5200 is a more powerful system and can do more?

No, if both game make the same use of their platform they are IMO eqally good.


So if e.g. the best 5200 homebrew is better compared to other good 5200 games/homebrews than the best 2600 homebrew compared to other good 2600 games/homebrews then the 5200 homebrew should win.


Look at the ongoing 2003 Minigame Competition, there systems ranging from the Atari 2600 or Apple ][ to the C128, NES and Armstad CPC are in the same competition.

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