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My first full-length stereo POKEY / RMT composition


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Although I prefer to keep my POKEY songs in 4-channels, I felt the need to challenge myself and try to do something in 8-channel stereo.  I was prompted by discovering that the song I chose had been covered on multiple 8-bit or PC sound cards / platforms, including the C64 SID, NES, Yamaha OPL / YM, etc.


The song has a unique name, so I won't provide the full name.  Rather, it has a sub-title - "Eek!", composed by Netherlands-based Surasshu.  He does a lot of 8-bit type songs and this one is a fun little tune.


I originally wanted it to be faithful to the original (e.g., use a square bass tone, triangle clarinet, etc), but it was proving to be more work than I wanted it to be, and transcribing the song was no simple task.


Check it out, let me know what you think!



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39 minutes ago, Rybags said:

That's pretty cool.  Would be good to have others to do comparison.

We can do triangle and sawtooth on Pokey but I don't think RMT has any support for it - also the range and frequency steps available makes it a bit hard to do music using them anyway.

Yea I think I could have used more of a triangle-based clarinet, but wasn’t sure if the range of notes would work.  I was thinking about analmux’s Instrumentarium, but couldn’t make it work.  

Here is the original:

Here is a solid C64 version. This is what inspired me to do the song:


Edited by rdefabri
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I created a 4-channel / mono version that can be played on an actual Atari 8-bit.  The video is the .xex played through Altirra, and I've attached the .xex and RMT files for it.  I've also attached the RMT files for the 8-channel version.  NOTE:  I create all my songs using NTSC format, so if you play it in PAL, it will sound slower.  A few of my songs were posted on ASMA in PAL format, and they didn't sound right.


Eek! Surrasshu (mono).xex Eek Surasshu mono version.rmt Eek Surasshu stereo version.rmt

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