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Favorite Label Artwork?


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Hey, I was just thinking of all the crazy companies that made 2600 games and the labels.  Just wondering what everyone's favorite label is on a 2600 game.  I like the Zellers Pinball game although King Kong by Tigervision is pretty cool.


I can't help but wonder if the Zellers Pinball logo was lifted from some "Cracked" magazine page!

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Marauder - Tigervision.  When I played that game as a kid I WAS that guy on the label.


That label (box) looked so cool, I bought the game through the Columbia Video Game club. (Something I rarely did, unless I'd played the game in a store first.)


Too bad the game was duller than dirt.


I should've bought Threshold instead. :ponder:

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I always thought that the Defender label art to be just eerie enough to be cool (those folks look worried, but not as panicky as the guy in the Atari 5200 label), and I like the Yars' Revenge artwork as well.


I also think that Bently Bear is just in too good a mood when being chased by trees, witches, etc. (that's why my avatar is the game graphic and not his goofy mug). :)



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Marauder - Tigervision.  When I played that game as a kid I WAS that guy on the label.


That label (box) looked so cool, I bought the game through the Columbia Video Game club. (Something I rarely did, unless I'd played the game in a store first.)


Too bad the game was duller than dirt.


I should've bought Threshold instead. :ponder:


Threshold's good but I really like Marauder. It takes a while to get hard but I like it. I had gotten it at a camera store about a mile from house. I wish I had bought/saved allof the carts I got fromthere. They only seemed to have Tigervision, Spectravision and US Games acrts.

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Nice collection there, I wish we could buy the full sized oil paintings, I hear they were hanging in the halls of Atari, beautiful stuff, especially the montages.


Video Game artwork is now or later a safe bet for high increases of cash value.


Does anyone know of a market? Where to buy?

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I can't believe no one's mentioned Berserk yet! That is THE definitave 80's game artwork in my opinion. White suited space hero with Buck Rogers hairdo and a somewhat small blaster taking on vicious robots. It DON'T get any better than that.


And I always thought the artwork for Fast Food was cool, too. Sort of a 70's retro neon thing goin' on there.

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Data Age's game boxes all looked great. Too bad they spent more on cover art than on game design and development. . . . . .


I'll look at a lot of 2600 game box art and I wish that games nowadays would look that cool. Consoles now have the ability to create games that look like those old game covers, but it's like a lot of imagination has just dissipated from the game industry nowadays.

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That's because it's all about the $$$ today man. Who needs imagination when you can pump out the latest sequel to Super Fightin' Man 14X and make enough bank to afford a summer home in Florida. Back in those halcyon days, they were exploring new frontiers, tinkering with things that no one had even imagined yet. They didn't get paid a whole helluva lot, and most of the time didn't even get credited for it. You see the friggin' catering companies on credits for modern games. Who cares about crap like that? Making a game back in those days was a point of pride for a lot of those guys. Now, it's a point of getting your Porsche detailed.

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