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Another 2600 32k?


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Hi folks


I just checked the dancing baby. I noted it uses Tigervision 32k bankswith

not Atari 32k.


I'm wondering which 32k game Tigervision was released.






I totally forgot about that demo! I was meaning to release a colour version - the Interleaved Chronocolour Dancing Baby. I've already done a version with a half-dozen frames or so, in colour. That B&W demo is way primitive stuff, by comparison!




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I totally forgot about that demo!  I was meaning to release a colour version - the Interleaved Chronocolour Dancing Baby.  I've already done a version with a half-dozen frames or so, in colour.  That B&W demo is way primitive stuff, by comparison!





How could you forget??? It's your freakin' avatar! ;-)

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Hi Andrew Davie



The dancing baby is great.


Since you're a programmer, could you please explain about 32k Tigervision and 32k Superchip.


I hope you will release the color version of the dancing baby.





The circuit that Tigervision used was implemented with a 74LS173 logic chip that monitors the address lines of the cartridge and toggles address bits on the ROM to switch banks. The banks are selected in 2K slices by writing a 2bit number (0-3) to any address between $40-$7F. I presume Chad (CuttleCart) did not limit this to 2 bits and hence people are able to implement larger sizes than just 8K.

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