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I wrote a Bit Mapped Text Scroller

Captain Cozmos

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Here is an unscripted video demonstration of my work in action.

A bitmapped scroller for future projects.
This will go great with opening titles of adventure games.
Imagine this scrolling with a bit of music in the background.

The text is from the Dino Eggs project I was working on and this does not mean I am still doing so.  It is just a scroll Demo.

No patterns, no RLE, just pure Colecovision power using the real hardware.
You can put as much text as possible that will fit on a cartridge.

It is currently 16 characters wide and 8 characters in height.

I can change it to use all 24 rows but it is Demo'ed in the Dino Eggs format.

I have not tried to go wider but you know me with pushing this hardware to it's limits so I will try that in the future.


The Demo itself only uses 130 bytes of ram for an index and other odds and ends.


I am certain I can add graphics like one of those old books where the first letter is a giant flowery font.

Or I can just uses it to scroll graphic in forwards or backwards.


Once the screen is mapped it, I found it to be incredible easy to expand and use.


This is the simple format and you can write anything here.  I can expand it to use lower case, upper case, custom fonts, numbers....

I designed it to read the fonts bits and convert them to usable format that can go anywhere on the screen.

I suspect that if I really worked at it that I could create an 40 column screen mode which has sprites or other map-able graphics.






So, here is the video of it in action.



Till next time O3 Cozmos

Edited by Captain Cozmos
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