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Has anyone beat Mr. Run and Jump?


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12 hours ago, Glorkbot said:

I’m currently working my way through level 4. I love this game. I don’t find it frustratingly difficult…rather, it feels more meditative than frustrating, to me.

Same here.  I'm usually terrible at video games and I get frustrated with them easily, but this one is different.  I think there are a few things that help.... first of all, the controls are pretty tight and responsive, and Mr. Run and Jump controls really well.  It doesn't feel like there are any cheap shots; if you die, it's because you landed wrong or made a wrong move.  Second of all, the obstacles/enemies on screen at any one time are limited, so you never really feel like you are overwhelmed.  You usually have time to sit and think about your next move.  It's more of a puzzle game than anything else, at least on the 2600.  I think the versions on other platforms are more platform-y and action-oriented.

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3 hours ago, ChopperCommando said:

Same here.  I'm usually terrible at video games and I get frustrated with them easily, but this one is different.  I think there are a few things that help.... first of all, the controls are pretty tight and responsive, and Mr. Run and Jump controls really well.  It doesn't feel like there are any cheap shots; if you die, it's because you landed wrong or made a wrong move.  Second of all, the obstacles/enemies on screen at any one time are limited, so you never really feel like you are overwhelmed.  You usually have time to sit and think about your next move.  It's more of a puzzle game than anything else, at least on the 2600.  I think the versions on other platforms are more platform-y and action-oriented.

Although I love the game I'm not sure I'd go all-in on calling the controls tight and responsive. The stick is, for sure, but there feels like a slight delay between pressing jump and the guy on screen actually jumping. Could be my TV, except for the fact that the stick doesn't seem to give the same delay as the jump button. If there is a delay it's very slight, though...so IDK. Maybe I'm just old.


But I 100% agree on the idea that it feels more like a puzzle game. Once you learn how to get past a section, it's not hard to get past it anymore. Parts that previously seemed "impossible" become kinda easy, even.

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On 12/28/2023 at 9:28 PM, infinite.pies said:

This was explained in another thread. The US and European versions of the box have multiple languages. The Australia/NZ version has only English on it.


I have the box with the misprint too, I didn't notice until now!




About the game, I almost got to the 4th level yesterday! It's really challenging, but I love it!

Edited by scelbi8h
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Where are y'all getting stuck on level 3?  I'm on level 5, but so far level 3 is where I spent the most time; I feel like that is the "peak" of the difficulty curve.  Not that it gets any easier from there, but once you "get" level 3, the difficulty kind of evens out a little, at least for the next two levels.  It still gets harder, but it doesn't ramp up as much as it does from level 1 to 3.

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