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Atari announces investment in tinyBuild. TLDR- $2 mil for 7.5%


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48 minutes ago, jeremiahjt said:

I would have rather heard about Atari acquiring another iconic arcade manufacturer ip, but I am sure Atari has a plan with this company I have never heard of.

They're the publishers of Hello Neighbor.

Not that I like that IP, it just makes a fuckton of cash.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I’m not going to lie….at first I didn’t really understand this investment either.

That being said, it’s possible that the point is to get Atari increased involvement in non-legacy IPs and up-and-coming gaming properties. I don’t believe that Atari wants to only update legacy IP…..I feel as though they are going for a multi-pronged approach. We’ve probably seen the least from this ‘non-legacy’ tent pole, but think Kombinera. And this deal may not be about what tinyBuild has so far, but what they have in their pipeline. So I highly doubt, given our public facing knowledge, we would even know or be able to surmise the entire thought process of why this might be a good fit for Atari.

My 2 cents at least 😁 

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  • 5 months later...

Strange how Atari's lead invests in a public company that gives clear and transparent guidance and informs their owners that they sold IP to Atari, while Atari itself acts like it's an entirely private estate. I feel it may be also interesting to the owners of Atari to know what they've bought. I'm not a surgeon of economic bodies here, but there may be some confusion about the principals and agents in all this.

Edited by CharlesEChuck
1.Misspelled Surgeon Sim 2. It's principals
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1 hour ago, CharlesEChuck said:

Strange how Atari's lead invests in a public company that gives clear and transparent guidance and informs their owners that they sold IP to Atari, while Atari itself acts like it's an entirely private estate. I feel it may be also interesting to the owners of Atari to know what they've bought. I'm not a surgeon of economic bodies here, but there may be some confusion about the principals and agents in all this.


I too find it interesting / frustrating that 'Atari' (Wade) hasn't released an IP list of all the stuff (a LOT) they have bought in the last few years....nor have they done an investor presentation in years.


I personally believe this (and other things) was / is done to keep the investors scared so the stock dropped to next to nothing so Wade could buy his 50+% to have control of the company.


He tried his 'friendly' takeover offer...at a much higher price than the stock is now...and the shareholders said no.


So- he sold convertible bonds- which he bought most of himself- that will convert a year from now to give him his control.


But- given other business actions since then... he has diluted the company further (including himself)- so he needs to buy more shares to get back to that 50+% control.


He doesn't want to divulge info- (even though I believe he legally should)- until he gets that control.


Meaning.... buy now.   😜

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44 minutes ago, PowerDubs said:

But- given other business actions since then... he has diluted the company further (including himself)- so he needs to buy more shares to get back to that 50+% control.

I think it is strange that he did that, if he wants more of Atari. He did it with the purchase of Nightdive just before the convertible bonds too. He obviously didn´t have a problem lending Atari money for other purchases. It seems he only funds the whole purchase himself if the seller will only accept money. 


I am guessing he doesn´t want to put more money into Atari than he has to for Atari to buy what he wants, as long as he is still in control. Whether he wants to or not, I think he will end up increasing his percentage of Atari through future capital increases, though.

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He has to do what he can do when the opportunity presents itself.


Meaning- his is priority is to gain control of the company- and the low price is paramount to that.


Yes- if Atari’s stock was worth more at the time of acquisitions he could use less of them to buy stuff… but it wasn’t, when the opportunities arose.


On the plus side- the acquired companies holding lots of shares at a lower price gives them great incentive to do well.

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1 minute ago, PowerDubs said:

Meaning- his is priority is to gain control of the company- 

But this can´t be his priority, because then he would have funded all purchases himself, leaving Atari with a big debt, giving him the opportunity to increase his percentage by issuing new shares or through convertible bonds.

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Maybe I am misunderstanding... but he did buy many many millions of Atari shares himself.  He did issue convertible bonds that he bought most of himself.  He did fund much of Atari's activities out of his own pocket (at a healthy % interest of course)....and he has issued new shares as well.

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8 minutes ago, PowerDubs said:

Maybe I am misunderstanding... but he did buy many many millions of Atari shares himself.  He did issue convertible bonds that he bought most of himself.  He did fund much of Atari's activities out of his own pocket (at a healthy % interest of course)....and he has issued new shares as well.

Let´s compare two different motivations Wade might have:

1) To make as much money as possible by buying as much of Atari as possible at as low a price as possible.

2) To keep his favourite video game companies going, and have as much say in how they are run as possible, using as little of his own money as possible.


Number 1 fits with most of his decisions. Two exceptions are that he is not talking the company down, and that he finances some of the purchases in part by diluting his ownership instead of doubling down on laying the ground for him to buy a lot of "cheap" shares in another capital increase.


Number 2 fits with everything. He bought those shares at $0.19 (or was it €0.19?) to solidify his influence over Atari, bought the bonds to keep Atari afloat (and get full control of Atari´s decisions in the process) and funded many purchases because the sellers couldn´t or wouldn´t take (only) Atari stock. Even with the recent dilution, his ownership is so close to 50% that he can do whatever he wants with Atari. He probably also knows that another capital increase is coming, where he "has to" take part, which will put him above 50% again.


I think it is more about a boy playing with toys than profit.

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