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Need Atari help in Boston


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I'm in Boston for the weekend and I'm curious if there's any places in Boston, Cambridge or Arlington that carry Atari stuff other than Phase Four Records (which I found last time I was here). Can anyone help a brother out?

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The video game exchange in Malden did go out of business, but the guy still sells at the flea market in Revere. Also, there is a new place just down the road from where the video game exchange was, its called 'Crazy Jims' or something like that. Last time I was in there it was a huge mess, piles and piles of stuff and completely unorganized. He had a saturn controller that I wanted to buy but wouldnt sell it because he was trying to put together a complete saturn system... Which I could have done by pulling stuff out of multiple piles... I don'tk now how it is now, I haven't went in there for about 5 months, last time I walked past, there were still tons of games, but there were also a bunch of kids playing magic or some other card game. Like video game exchange, its all probably overpriced.


Whats sad about the video game exchange guy is, he had some nice stuff, but from bringing it to the flea every weekend, alot of the stuff is sunbleached or water damaged. He also does carry a 'good selection' of vcd's that he downloaded/burned, and other weird stuff..


There is also that salem guy, he had a big cardboard box filled with 5200/2600 games, some are in good condition, but I've managed to pull out all the games that looked good so far. He sells them for $2 a piece unless marked differently.. It's probably cheaper to buy off of ebay, or at yard sales..

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You're totally right. Most of it was junk, but I found a Leonard Cohen videotape for a friend for $4, and they gave us directions to the flea market a few minutes away in front of a multiplex (I forget the name of the town, Revere maybe?). There was one guy selling Atari stuff, so I managed to get a replacement Super Cobra for $3 (my old one has a torn up label).

Thanks to all for your help,


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Yea, the other guy wasn't there today... Though there was a guy selling a colecovision, and some other people selling xbox/ps2 stuff.. Definately more people selling game stuff this week. Just not stuff I was looking for. I did buy 4 games from that guy though, No Escape, Planet Patrol, and two copies of Atlantis (night label), no atlantis 2's.

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Damn, I forget--what are the signs that you have an Atlantis II again? I recently got about 4 in a lot and probably ought to check them out.




You should know pretty quickly as you'll score alot lower. I've been grabbing every atlantis (night label) that I see though. I'll prolly have a good lot of stuff to ship off to the store for some credit soon enough ;)

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I went to Phase Four and got some excellent finds today. I came prepared however, with a bunch of CDs and DVD-As from my job to trade in. Armed with credit, I got Sentinel (which I've never even seen in 10 years of collecting), the "Pole Positn" of Pole Position, Sears Circus, Pac Kong in the box, Weltraum-Tunnel in the box, and a bunch of commons in the box like Pac Man, Poker Plus, Yar's Revenge, Sears Casino and some others. Even after I used up trade-in credit, I only spent a whopping $13, so I quite pleased. :D

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