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A little history from Wal-Mart.


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Oh I never said the playing field was equal.  Never meant to imply it even.  The Colecovision *SHOULD* be better than the 2600.  It should be much, much, better.  I'd say that it should be 10x more powerful, just due to technology alone.


That was really my only point. Wal*Mart saying that from 1978-1984 the Atari VCS/2600 was the "MOST TECHNICALLY ADVANCED" video game system is a complete load of crap. Even the Atari 5200 was out during that era. Their facts need a major readjustment.


Realistically, whether it was the most powerful or advanced or not though, there's few classic systems I have more fun playing. There's something that goes far deeper with VCS than how much power it actually has - it's what the programmers who wrote for it (then and now) DID with what it DID have. opcode is setting out to prove a ColecoVision can do anything, but guys like Bob Colbert, Andrew Davie, Thomas Jentsch and Paul Slocum already +have+ for 2600. They can make it seem more technically superior just by their skills as coders, whether it is or not.

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