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Dreamcast 7800 emulator


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Thanks for the link. First time I've tried out 7800 emulation on the DC. It's a port of MESS so I'm wondering what other MESS consoles are emulated well these days. Most of the games are playable but only at about 75% speed, still cool for now :)

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I grabbed all the plaintext files in the .rar you linked, extracted them into their own folder. Had to borrow an IP.BIN file from another DC emulator to put into the directory. Copied over the 7800 bioses and roms. Ran DIR2BOOT which automatically creates a selfbootable .cdi image.


Of course, since DiscJuggler doesn't like my burner or computer, I had to run cdi2nero which converts the image into a nero image, which I then burned a perfect selfbootable 7800 emulator :)


Dreamcasting is fun ;)


I also did some more reading and apparently by tweaking the tons of settings on this emu you can get 100% speed on all the games, it's just that every game requires different tweaks and no one has posted a good list yet.

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