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Atari 2600+ and Harmony Encore

Skye Eusebi

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I've been trying to load a game I made for my dad's birthday into a harmony encore cart to use with the Atari 2600+
Posts on this site made me believe there is a way, but I just can't find it! I've been trying for over a week now!

I tried different games as well, with no avail.

Any game it manages to load is either a black screen or a garbled mess with a static pitch noise, it took me a while to even manage to make the console detect harmony in the slot.


Any help is appreciated, I just want this to work before the 18th

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The Harmony Encore has its own sub-forum.  I believe the information you're looking for can be found in this thread.  batari is the creator of the Harmony cart, so you'll definitely want to review any posts made by him.  Also, I'm pretty sure there have been revisions to the hardware over the years, and you could be using the wrong software.


Lastly, I know you're having trouble with your Harmony cart, but have you also verified your game works in Stella?  That could be another barrier.

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The game is standard 4k with no bankswitching, it works fine in Stella..

I can't burn a cartridge yet as I'm not sure if it's NTSC or PAL and I'd rather be certain it works first.

I'm using the latest bios and eeloader for the cartridge as well.
It doens't seem to be able to load any game however, PAL, PAL60, or NTSC, even tried from different sources, no game seems to load properly

Edited by Skye Eusebi
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16 hours ago, KainXavier said:

The Harmony Encore has its own sub-forum.  I believe the information you're looking for can be found in this thread.  batari is the creator of the Harmony cart, so you'll definitely want to review any posts made by him.  Also, I'm pretty sure there have been revisions to the hardware over the years, and you could be using the wrong software.


Lastly, I know you're having trouble with your Harmony cart, but have you also verified your game works in Stella?  That could be another barrier.

I want to thank you a lot for sending me to the encore sub-forum, I've found the problem.
It's an outdated 2k4k.arm file sent with the harmonycart program, I'll link the file for anyone that might find this post, thank you.

It must be put in the /arm folder.


Edited by Skye Eusebi
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