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300 !


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Yaayyy!!! Got my 299th, 300th, and 301st carts today in the mail!

I got my first 100 in the lot with the unit I bought. Took about a month to get to 200. This last hundred was a biotch! I'm sure getting to 400 will take another six months (snagged 2 more today via ebay so I'm now at 303....only 97 more to go!!!!)

Yeah, they're mostly loose, and only about half with instructions so I'm still pretty small potatoes compared to a lot of you guys, but it feels great!

I'm especially proud to have a complete (North American release) Activision collection. Also CBS I now have complete.


Shame I only play about 20 of 'em regularly!

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Congrats! I'm about to break 200 myself once my next shipment of carts arrives. Mind you, that's not 200 unique; at present count I only have 134 unique carts; the rest are dupes, label variations, and boxed versions. No complete sets yet, but I'm presently working on CBS and Xonox. (Have 3 double-enders and a single ender for Xonox so far, and I think I'm only missing 3-4 CBS carts)

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Awesome job! A question, Are you counting Dupes?


Nope! All 303 are unique titles. No label variations either (well, I have about 8 Sears titles) I have 2 dupes, Donkey Kong and Winter games, if I counted them I'd have 305. :D


One of these days I'm gonna make a homepage to show off my collection(s). I also have 83 titles for the 5200, and only need 3 more (see below!) to have a complete 5200 collection. I just started with the 7800, I have about 20 of them.

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