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rarity 6 games are awesome!!


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Is it just me or are there some pretty dang good titles that are rarity six. Or atleast great arcade games. Here are some pretty cool games just to name a few

1. Pengo

2. Tapper

3. Spy hunter

4. Track and field

there are others but leave it to this list

My theory on why the games of the rarity six list are so good is because they were published in 1984. The most populor game of 1984 is a rarity 4, Pittfall 2. Unfortenatley the public had enough of some bad games and ignored almost every atari 2600 cartridge made at this time. so a lot of very good playable games were only bought by die hards. Strangley enough a rarity 6 probably was a populor game for the atari 2600 in 1984.

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Whoops! I had such a hectic week I totally spaced. If it makes you feel better I still owe Mr. Ed a three page reply to his last PM and that was days ago. :( I'll try to holla real soon.


I must confess, I was so happy to get X-7 to complete my collection that I did little more than test it and shelve it. Now at least I have some incentive to get it back out and play it. I need to pick up a few more storage boxes first to better organize my carts - I tried putting the 20th Cent Fox in the Atari vinyl books (the eight count) but due to the odd shape they always seem to slip out. :P

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