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NIAD Newsletters.


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I made it to the end, or at least the end of the NIAD newsletters, that's available online.


Was 04/94 the end?


It seems like it was time, Jim had closed computer kingdom, taken a job in construction - man that had to be a change - had an on again relationship and just purchased a condo.


The Adam, was dwindling in popularity and many of the old stalwarts couldn't be bothered doing anything new.


So, if 04/94 was the end, it seemed like the time. I did expect to see a last newsletter, stating, this is the end, to every season....

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39 minutes ago, NIAD said:

April 1994 was indeed the last newsletter. The owner of NIAD (as well as the computer store that was closed over a year earlier) did mail out a letter to the remaining members, but I do not have that.


After 1994 what else did you do besides your massive collection.
Any new books to share, write some games, run a BBS?

We need all the info for the historical record.
plus I want to read some new articles and in depth interviews with the engineers.
You have to have something sitting around the old house that has not been released.

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