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MIDI Maze now available for purchase!


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The unrelease prototype MIDI Maze is now available for purchase.

The first 50 cartridges will also include the unreleased prototype

Mean 18. So do not delay!


MIDI Maze is a multi-player game that can be played over a modem,

850 Interface or a MIDI Mate. You can link up to 16 computers!


Mean 18 is a golf game that is an unreleased prototype.


Please visit http://www.sunmark.com to buy your MIDI Maze!



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Well ... inter-ATARI games are reminding me about my "XL-ST-Schiffeversenken" i wrote in 1988.


German REVIEW on the top of this site.


The game works via SIO2ST-Interface. It was the result of examining the SIO/serial protocol.

For loading the XL Game you simply had to boot the ST Disk and switching on the XL(without a floppy) and the Game was loaded automatically from the ST...

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Very Caddyshack-ish :-)


If anyone who buys XE Midi-Maze and wants to play against an ST User email me and I can email you a zip file with the ST version of Midi-Maze for you, I tried out Mark's MIDI Maze game, it kicks ass, you can even send chat messages to your opponents!!! I would love to see a group of XE's and ST's playing this at Phillyclassic 5 this coming spring!!!





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Well, you're talking about buying two copies, is Sunmark offering a discount if you buy a 2nd or 3rd game? I would think most people would want to buy 2 games minimum so they can setup 2 systems for head to head play or two friends would go in on buying a pair of games so they can play over the modem...


The game does play 1 player against the computer, but honestly playing against a real human, and sending instant messages at one another simply rocks, its a lot more fun!!! :-)




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Here are a few screenshots from Mean18 for those of you who have

been asking:








What's with you guys and these screen shots of the title screens and menus?!?!? WE WANT IN-GAME SCREEN SHOTS!!! No one really gives a rat's arse what the title&menu screens look like...do they? I don't!

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I was a member of my local atari 8 bit users group at the time (which was 90s,) not a lot of us left. but the group had a lot of history, and had made a name for itself before I joined (here in jacksonville,) it was a 'first' something but I dont remember what (maybe first computer users group in the south or first atari users group in the US or something, but there was something they were understandably very proud of,) anyhoo, we beta-tested this game long ago, with hand made link cables made out of atari drive cables with paperclips stuck in em. I'm sorry my memory isn't better, but I had an absolute blast beta-testing this game. I still have some of the floppies and paperwork somewhere. I loved that group (sniff,) it lasted until just before the jaguar died, and the group kind of died with Atari becoming JTS (sniff again,)

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I was a member of my local atari 8 bit users group at the time (which was 90s,) not a lot of us left. but the group had a lot of history, and had made a name for itself before I joined (here in jacksonville,) it was a 'first' something but I dont remember what (maybe first computer users group in the south or first atari users group in the US or something, but there was something they were understandably very proud of,) anyhoo, we beta-tested this game long ago, with hand made link cables made out of atari drive cables with paperclips stuck in em. I'm sorry my memory isn't better, but I had an absolute blast beta-testing this game. I still have some of the floppies and paperwork somewhere. I loved that group (sniff,) it lasted until just before the jaguar died, and the group kind of died with Atari becoming JTS (sniff again,)


I seem to have ended up with about 20 or so PD disks from JACE, many of them containing "dirty" game hacks (what DID you guys do in that group?), and I'd be happy to send them off to you if you'd like to be the "official keeper" of the JACE flame. :)

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