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7800.. Is it worth it?


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I never had a 7800, so I haven't played any of the available games. A friend of mine gave me several game systems / games, and one of the systems was a 7800. The 7800 is missing the power supply, and controllers the case is also cracked a little. Would it be worth my time to find power cables and joysticks for it? Are the games available much better than their 2600 versions?


Thanks in advance

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2600 controllers are compatable on the 7800 for games that only use one fire button. There are also joypads that loosely resemble NES controllers that are good to use on this system.


There are some games that are fun on this system. Heck, since you are already half way there, you might as well go all the way and get your system working. :D


The more common games can be purchased new for about $5 a piece.

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You'll have a much easier time finding another, complete 7800 than you will finding a loose power supply for one.


Ah, I was thinking about that.. Just like my intellevision that sits in need of controller repair, where it would probably be easier / cheaper to buy a different system in better condition. Maybe somebody here has a spare 7800 power adapter, and some control pads?

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No spare PSU but i would recomend trying to find one. Then if the consoles screwed you'll still be half way there. Its all worth it if u like atari systems in general.


Yea, I do love atari systems. I'm really more interested in getting a 5200, since that was my first gaming console. If I still had it today I'd have quite the collection, but my mom gave it away one year, and at the time I don't think I cared that she did...

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 Are the games available much better than their 2600 versions?


Thanks in advance


There's a perception among some that the 7800 is "nothing more than a 2600 with a new graphics chip", which is silly. The 7800's graphics are comparable to the NES and Commodore 64 and its animation capabilities are the best of any 8-bit console. The sound, however, is the same as the 2600.

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ive just started collecting 7800 stuff and i have to admit its a gr8 console to collect for, you can buy a bunch of games from next to nothing. PSU's are hard to find, best bet is telegames.com but u'd end up paying the same ammont there then buying a new 7800!


Hah, maybe I'll just look around for a complete 7800. I think a guy at the flea market had one. I'll have to compare his price with ebay's and anybody else I see selling a complete system.

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There's a perception among some that the 7800 is "nothing more than a 2600 with a new graphics chip", which is silly. The 7800's graphics are comparable to the NES and Commodore 64 and its animation capabilities are the best of any 8-bit console. The sound, however, is the same as the 2600.


Hrm, Interesting. I'll definately have to get the 7800 together so I can see this first hand.

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The 7800's graphics are comparable to the NES and Commodore 64 and its animation capabilities are the best of any 8-bit console.

Of course, what it's capable of and what was actually realized in its meager library of games are two separate matters. There are some good games for the 7800, but on the whole its potential went unfulfilled.


The sound, however, is the same as the 2600.

And if you doubt this, just listen to the music in Donkey Kong! (That said, I think 7800 Donkey Kong is great!)

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Of course, what it's capable of and what was actually realized in its meager library of games are two separate matters. There are some good games for the 7800, but on the whole its potential went unfulfilled


Agreed. To be honest, this was a constant problem with the 7800, Lynx and Jaguar. Because they didn't achieve mass-market appeal, there were HINTS of what they could do scattered across different games, as opposed to system showcases. Imagine a 7800 game with the music of COMMANDO, the voice synthesis of JINKS, the graphics of TOWER TOPPLER and the depth of play of SCRAPYARD DOG.

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The 7800's graphics are comparable to the NES and Commodore 64 and its animation capabilities are the best of any 8-bit console.

Of course, what it's capable of and what was actually realized in its meager library of games are two separate matters. There are some good games for the 7800, but on the whole its potential went unfulfilled.



I still say that you have to look no further than 7800 Ballblazer vs. NES Ballblazer to see what the Atari system had up it's sleeve.

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As for a power supply at a decent price, check out Best Electronics. Though they do not advertise it on their site, they probably can hook you up with a power supply for the 7800. An email link is on the page, where you can ask.


I have gone to them for many parts not listed and been surprised to receive a response and a "Yes, we have that" from them on most all requests.







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