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youngest collector


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Just look for the ones with numbers in place of letters in their user names.


Being an old guy (32) I find that kind of funny but it's also uncalled for. thund3r asked a simple, harmless question so there's really no need to automatically attack.


I'm not sure how many younger members are on AA now. More then in the past I think.

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Interesting, I didn't really read it as an attack either.  I guess we atarians have been a bit combative these days.  Peace Love Unity and Respect! :D


Of course Atarians are Combative! It was the pack in game!


:ponder: :sleep:


Okay, I'll crawl back under my rock now.

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I saw one Young collector, At CGE Buying more than 80 percent of the people there. I think his name is Marty and he is on here, but cant remember his Nic. A true collector.


Yes, that kid is hardcore his handle used to be atarimastermarty. I've seen him in action at the last two CGE's in a big way. He bought something from me this year and he drives a hard bargain, let me tell you. :D

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Just look for the ones with numbers in place of letters in their user names.


yea it does, but i didnt just think oh ill stick a 3 in my nick just coz it looked kewl, i wanted to make a nick which was unique so the 3 was added, as thunder looked a bit too boring

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My daughter, who will be six in December, has her own heavy-sixer and a modest collection of games. Her favorite is Ms. Pac-Man but she also likes Kangaroo and Cookie Monster Munch. I also let her borrow Cat Trax every now and again. :D

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