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youngest collector


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And further that my first post would have been my only one if certain other members hadn't taken a neutrally phrased, statistically valid statement as an attack.


That may be true, but let's reiterate that I admitted I was wrong and apologized. I have no beef with you, feel free to hold a grudge if that makes you happy. That's about all I have to say about this.

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Ok, so since no one has gotten the movie quote, lemme chime in...


That would be Event Horizon. The only movie I can think of worse than Supernova. Ugh.


I've never seen super nova. But i loved event horizon. I thought it was a great classic-style horror flick. I didn't mind the borrowed elements, I thought the composition was excellent.


and as for topic, I was a young gamer, back in the '80's :-)

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We have to get atarimastermarty back around.


Dude offered me cash for Quadrun, and it was a serious offer!!! He also ended up with the last numbered edition of Polo at the auction.


I'm with CPU, he drives a hard bargain!


(mounts soapbox) Welcome to all the young gamers and gamettes. Keeps our love for these systems strong. A collecting community dies if it does not feed new members. I saw that happen in classic cars. The 30's and 40's cars went down in value, and the 50's and 60's cars went up. The people who loved those cars are past the age to enjoy them, and without the attatchment to them, the next generation goes to what "they" remember.


In other words, we need a recruitment drive. So, go out there and get new collectors, folks! I give a few Atari's away to my students each year, and make sure they all know the classics (Defender and Kaboom seem to be the fav's). (steps down from soapbox) :) :)




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  • 2 weeks later...

I started out at four yrs old, with a collection that my uncle gave to me. My favorite thing to do at that age was to put in River Raid and ram my airplane into the nearest thing I could find. Times have changed though Im 23, still collecting and am proud to say I have a few nines, a prototype and the factory diagnostic cartridges. Sorry for bragging ;)



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Yup,, I officially feel really freekin old now.. so old I can't even picture my nick with numbers in it (please no hate.. that is just a joke;) ) Im 35,, I remember clearly when my dad gave my a xmas present when I was 9 years old in 1977.. I knew from the shape of the box it was an Atari,, I was actually wrong.. being my mom and dad were hugh sears shoppers.. it was a telegames.. but I was soo happy to have it.. I instanly bragged to my two friends that thought they were kewl because they had a stunt cycle!;) Im very happy to see so many younger people gettting into the atari scene.. makes me feel alittle more comfy when I pay $300 plus for a game a worry if it will keeps its value over the next 30 years;)

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sorry for my bad spelling;) I really should proof read.. but ya know Im an old timmer.. bad eyes;)


Hmm.. you were 9 in 1977, I was 4. You're not that much older than me! :roll: Great.. does that mean in the next 5 years, I forget how to spell and will start losing my hair?

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A collecting community dies if it does not feed new members.  I saw that happen in classic cars.  The 30's and 40's cars went down in value, and the 50's and 60's cars went up.  The people who loved those cars are past the age to enjoy them, and without the attatchment to them, the next generation goes to what "they" remember.  


In other words, we need a recruitment drive.  So, go out there and get new collectors, folks!  I give a few Atari's away to my students each year, and make sure they all know the classics (Defender and Kaboom seem to be the fav's).


This is an excellent idea! Everyone has more than enough Pac Mans and Laser Blasts kicking around that they could easily give a few away and not miss 'em. The trick is getting the gumption to give away a deck too. In the past, I gave one to a good friend (a great idea) and one to my wife's friend's fiance (who turned out to be a flaming a**hole--it kills me that I gave him a deck, 16 games and 2 game binders; what was I thinking?). For now, I have a big box of extra games and I have a co-worker whose 9-year-old nephew recently uncovered the family Atari system in a basement. I think a donation to the kid is in order--thanks for the idea, Cassidy.

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