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TV Game System a VCS 2600 with 20 games


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Maybe some of you know it already....


I saw this TV Boy like system this afternoon at Toys'R Us... I don't bought it because I haden't too much money to spend and it only included 20 games.


Anyway it looks very nice :

All the system is include into an Atari 2600 standard Joystick but it have 4 switches on the front :Power On/Off (with a red led) - Reset - Select - Start.


The games included I Remember were :

- Pong (I think from the screenshot it was Video Olympics)

- Asteroids

- Missile command

- Yar's revenge

- Gravitar

- Adventure


.... sorry I have a very bad memory :P

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Yea, they also have a joystick with namco games on it, as well as a controller with activision games. I saw a 'documentary' on it or something (it was something on G4), and the company officially licensed everything, so its 'lega'l, it runs on 4 AA batteries, and from use i've gotten out of the atari joystick it works great, sound is a little off, but still very cool. Easily portable atari games..

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It stinks. Worth it only for the novelty of the physical packaging.


Gameplay is off. Sounds effects are WAY off. Paddle games on a joystick??? And it sucks a set of batteries dry in about a half hour, with no means to attach a wall-wart.


Still, it does look really cool.


Following this report, I have to agree with you, for once, Zylon. Though I have not tried it personally, the whole "paddle-game-played-with-a-joystick" thing? Yeah. Little odd. They should've made two separate products... one including joystick games in a joystick, and another including the paddle games inside a paddle. The best of both worlds with the control quality to match. :D

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It stinks. Worth it only for the novelty of the physical packaging.


Gameplay is off. Sounds effects are WAY off. Paddle games on a joystick??? And it sucks a set of batteries dry in about a half hour, with no means to attach a wall-wart.


Still, it does look really cool.


Hrm, the one we have here doesn't seem to suck the batteries down that fast. I've seen it set to 'yars revenge' for atleast an hour.. Obviously its not going to be the same as playing with an actual atari system, but try throwing your 2600, a joystick / paddle set, and 10 games in your backpack =)

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Battery life may (purely guessing here) depend on the TV it's hooked to. The poor little thing does have to generate an NTSC video signal on battery power. And I should clarify that it didn't completely die after 30 minutes, but the edge of the screen was filling up with more and more random garbage.

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Battery life may (purely guessing here) depend on the TV it's hooked to. The poor little thing does have to generate an NTSC video signal on battery power. And I should clarify that it didn't completely die after 30 minutes, but the edge of the screen was filling up with more and more random garbage.


Well, I don't know how much difference it is, but I have the Activision TV Games controller, and I have the same set of batteries in it since I got it, which was 2 years ago. And it runs just as good as day 1.

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Huh. Maybe I got a bum unit. I know some other people here have these. Perhaps they'd care to comment on the battery life?


It's possible, I suppose. But of course, now, one factor that may play in my prolonged battery life is that I never really use the thing all that much. Just when I need a quick fix for some Activision gaming (games that I don't own). For long-term playing, I'd rather break out the 7800.


So given that the usage is low, that might help battery life. Though I keep the batteries installed, which should have drained them over this period of time. But no... it's still working. So I really don't know.


But maybe it's because I'm using Energizer? I mean, they do keep going, and going, and going, and... :ponder:

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... I remenber the games breakout and circus atari were included too.


and for the output as i saw two cinch connectors, they must be video and audio out (no ntsc signal here).


I already own a TV boy, for the battery, I use battery (accumulators) that can be reloaded again and again and I can play for hours with them ;-)

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I was telling my wife how this is adding up and all at the same time. Since I have yet to purchase any of the units.


Atari style joystick with games 24.99 - 19.99. Walmart is the cheaper place

Activision Controller 19.99

Arcade joystick with some games 24.99



Let me know if I missed anything. Perahps their should be an faq done on this stuff so I can reference. I'm hoping this is not the last we see of retro 80's game devices. Does make me wonder where is the retro atari 7800 system with all 7800 games built in??????


I'm still looking for one of those great clones. You know the 256 in one. That is one of those things I saw in person and should of picked it up when I saw it.



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Has anyone seen or played the Intellivision one?

I saw it at K Bees about a week ago for $19.99 and cam really close to picking it up, but hadn't heard anyone mention it.


Wow, I haven't seen the Intellivision system yet. I like the style of the namco release the best, but it seems to have the fewer number of games.


I've seen other systems like this in the past, usually at flea markets. Made in some third world country, probably didnt license the games, and sell for around $10, and include like 50 games.. I saw one system that had one joystick that resembled a N64 controller, and actually supported a second player, and that looked like a sega controller.. Not sure what games it included.

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Not sure what games it included.


They include a bunch of NES games usually.

I have a couple of them. The best thing about the one I have, Is it comes with a light gun thats about 1/3 the size of the original. Small and comfortable pistol.



BTW: Here's a link to the INTV controller:



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