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Custom firmware for Atari Gamestation Pro

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Hi Big_Guitar


Many many thanks for your technical assistance.

I will give your test_4_3.cfg file a go to see if the Start button works.


I got confused with the GSPG documentation when talking about the /EVAL1/ folder, but it seems that has gone.

I wil put a bunch of Atari games (XEX ATR ROM etc) in a folder (with the BIOS files) and see what happens.


Overall it does seem strange that games which run from within the GUI, may not run via Folder Navigation.

But that is my next piece of homework, along with tracking down GSPG v 0.63 which you are running.


Best Regards.

Mr T / T Dog


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Mixed results.


Had no problem with the Navigation Folder, including XEX Atari files.


The "test_4_3.cfg" did not work for me at all.

So that means games that require the START key won't presently run.

I saw others had the same issue.


So that means the inbuilt a5200_4_4.cfg is the one that is known to work for me.

Would anyone like to download and see if there is a START mapping that can be edited in?





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10 hours ago, Mr_T said:

I got confused with the GSPG documentation when talking about the /EVAL1/ folder, but it seems that has gone.

It's gone?  It's still should be fine if desired. 

That's just a different way to handle individual game execution.  I currently don't have a "process everything in this folder the same way" configured with the latest runme script.


1 hour ago, Mr_T said:

The "test_4_3.cfg" did not work for me at all.

So that means games that require the START key won't presently run

If you're referring to "Start" under A800 to use the actual Start button on the GSP controller, that start action is typically assigned as the primary fire buttons from my understanding.


10 hours ago, Mr_T said:

along with tracking down GSPG v 0.63 which you are running

I haven't finished 0.6.3, so I haven't published it here.  I haven't had much time to work on it.  Just some minor changes so far.


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Hi big_guitar


"If you're to "Start" under A800 to use the actual Start button on the GSP controller, that start action is typically assigned as the primary fire buttons from my understanding."


As I have had a real Atari in 1980s it doesn't normally occur to me to give enough of a description.

On the RHS of a real Atari keyboard there are 4 addition keys labelled RESET, OPTION, SELECT, and START on 400 & 800, with an addition HELP key on the XL range many games utilised these keys. Most games require a START key stroke to run the game, which is the keystroke that is not assigned to a button on the AGSP joystick. Many games allowed for the FIRE joystick button on joystick port 1 to run the game. The best example I can remember comparision is Preppie !/1 v Preppie II/2. 


Currently the A5200_4_3.cfg does not seem to assign AGSP Joystick buttons B or C or Select or Start.

How do we get Atari keyboard strokes Option / Select / Start assigned to AGSP joystick B / C / Select / Start ?


Many thanks.



Edited by Mr_T
Add image of Atar800 keyboard.
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1 hour ago, Mr_T said:

The best example I can remember comparision is Preppie !/1 v Preppie II/2. 

Are you saying that these are example games that require the actual START button vs a FIRE button ? 

If so, I can test with one of those and get it working if possible.

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1 hour ago, Mr_T said:

They both work for me in GUI and Folder Navigation.

You mean they both load but still the START function does not work (at least on Preppie), right? 

It seems there's been a history related to START issues with this core with certain games.

OK so it seems that at least under Windows, Preppie will start if you use L3 to toggle the virtual keyboard, and then select 'STA' and press the south (A) button.

So, we'd have to make a retroarch cfg file that associated the L3 related event with a different button if you want to use a GSP controller, since there is no L3 on that device.


[Update] OK weird, on GSP, using the start button just works for me on 'Preppie'.  I actually didn't need to bring up the virtual keyboard, although it would be nice to get that to work.


What is the goal of this game?  I'll have to find a manual.  It seems like Frogger, but when you get to the end, no matter where you jump, there's no success.


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Get to the top of the screen with the blinking dot ( golf ball )... I can't remember if you have to press fire once you get to it.


You may have to bring the golf ball back down to the bottom of the screen?  I'm not sure..


It's been a while... :lol:


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PREPPIE! [wikipedia]   Like Frogger, the player must cross lanes of traffic, then jump between floating objects to reach the other side of a river. The frog is recast as a preppy, and the setting moved to a country club where traffic consists of golf carts and reel mower-pushing groundskeepers. Canoes, logs, and alligators occupy the water.

Instead of simply getting to the other side as in Frogger, the goal is to retrieve all of the golf balls and return them to the bottom of the screen. Each ball requires a separate trip. The golf balls appear either in the strip between the two areas or on the far side of the river.[2]

There are ten levels. A bonus preppie is given for reaching 8,000 points.

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What about the file .atari800.cfg


I am not sure where it should be put on the SD card, but it isn't there presently.


There are lines that say:


Perhaps that is why the START key works for some and not others?


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14 hours ago, Mr_T said:

What about the file .atari800.cfg

Unfortunately, it wants to create this file on the rootfs. 

Previously (like 3 months ago), I tried to get this recognized by running retroarch from a different directory, and I had placed the file in the same folder, but it still had the same issues being unable to recognize or create the file.  I don't remember if I tried placing the file in the same directory as the game, I suppose that could be tested.  Not sure if some type of 'export' statement would assist in the script for that.


User config file '/.atari800.cfg' not found.
Trying system wide config file: /etc/atari800.cfg
No configuration file found, will create fresh one from scratch:
Cannot write to config file: /.atari800.cfg


All the same though, the programs seem to run even without having the .atari800.cfg file defined or recognized.  The core options file is recognized as defined within the passed 'cfg' file, and many settings can be defined there.


core_options_path = "~/sdcard/cores/custom-core-options.cfg"


atari800_artifacting_mode = "none"
atari800_cassboot = "disabled"
atari800_internalbasic = "disabled"
atari800_keyboard = "poll"
atari800_ntscpal = "NTSC"
atari800_opt1 = "disabled"
atari800_opt2 = "none"
atari800_resolution = "336x240"
atari800_sioaccel = "enabled"
atari800_system = "400/800 (OS B)"


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Ok, I placed .atari800.cfg in the actual directory where the ATR file was located (this time testing 'ballblazer'). It did not report an error, but oddly reports as read-only, which is odd since most other RA cores seem to write without issues.  The assumption is that is sees the values I've defined there, but I don't know if it's making a difference.  I didn't use your COM file, but obtained the ATR file on my own.


/.atari800.cfg: Read-only file system


Again though, I had no issues using the Start button.  The start buttons worked for both my Xbox controller and the GSP controller.  With the Xbox controller, I can bring up the emulator menu with the right bumper button (R1).  I suppose if I try to save the configuration from the A800 emulator menu, it might report an error if write access is not available for some reason.



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7 hours ago, Mr_T said:

Are you able to zip up

I can share the pertinent information.  

The CORE file version I used came from HERE.

My CFG file is attached.  It essentially worked for GSP controller, however I'd probably want to see if I can get the virtual keyboard to work using the C button or something.




My .atari800.cfg is also attached, placed under \games\A800, but I'm not sure it's needed. 



The "core options" file I placed under \cores 




The related A800 BIOS files I placed in the \data\retroarch\system directory.   


You'll have to search for the ATR file, but it's out there, I haven't tried the xex file.




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59 minutes ago, big_guitar said:

I can share the pertinent information.  

The CORE file version I used came from HERE.

My CFG file is attached.  It essentially worked for GSP controller, however I'd probably want to see if I can get the virtual keyboard to work using the C button or something.


XB_DP1_L0_SAV2.cfg 107.54 kB · 1 download



Hi big_guitar


The issue seems to be the atari800_libretro.so file in the SD card's "cores" folder.

The attached one works, with the START button replicating a START key press hence running games.


Your XB_DP1_L0_SAV2.cfg crashed Preppie.


Custom-cores-options file made no difference


I didn't need .atari800.cfg or atari800.cfg files as you suspected.


Just one weard effect of this change, Button B on AGSP joystick now does what button A used to do on the previous core.

Is that something that can be configured, and if so which file?






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1 hour ago, Mr_T said:

Your XB_DP1_L0_SAV2.cfg crashed Preppie.

There might be a folder referenced in that CFG that might not exist on your sdcard?  

check on these subfolders: 


also these sub-subfolders:






and ... 





Also, if there is a CRASH, does it go back to the FOLDER NAVIGATION?  

  • After the crash, press the HOME button on the controller (make sure it returns to the main GSP interface app), then power down the GSP.
  • Run the GSP games Windows application and load the games database from the card that encountered the crash.
  • In the GSP games app, select "View" - "Show Last Retro Log"  and look for relevant information there, or you can send me the text in a private direct message to my Atariage account.




Edited by big_guitar
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1 hour ago, Mr_T said:

Just one weard effect of this change, Button B on AGSP joystick now does what button A used to do on the previous core.

Is that something that can be configured, and if so which file?

You can create a game-specific remap file,

or you can change the main CFG file settings in  XB_DP1_L0_SAV2.cfg


Change this line:     input_player1_a_btn = "307"

to              :     input_player1_a_btn = "305"


Change this line:     input_player1_b_btn = "305"

to              :     input_player1_b_btn = "307"


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Hi All


Here it is, a fully working SD card for all your Atari 8 bit lovers (Atari 400 / 800 / XL / XE).


Obvious you must have 1.30c firmware on the AGSP

SD must be formatted FatEx


GSP Games is for adding games to the SD card from Windows computer.


Many thanks to big_guitar, and also to spanner.


I will look to add all of the "THE800mini" games, currently some are not working.


Defender requires a key map for smart bombs. May be best to create a copy of /sdcard/racfg/A5200_4_3.cfg, rename and change the Defender cfg file 



Mr T / T Dog

AGSP_SD_EX062.zip gspgames-062.zip

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On 9/14/2024 at 1:43 AM, Mr_T said:

Seems to work in both GUI and Folder Navigation

To note, anything that works under folder navigation can be configured to work in the GUI.

I just don't always bother putting the effort in to get everything set up for the GUI, which can always be done after testing has completed if desired.

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2 hours ago, big_guitar said:

1 - To note, anything that works under folder navigation can be configured to work in the GUI.

2 - I just don't always bother putting the effort in to get everything set up for the GUI, which can always be done after testing has completed if desired.

1 - Except the Pac-Man atr bundled on spanner's PCUAE :)

2 - Agreed, and if you guys can test the 25 games on "The400Mini" compilation that would really help me.

Any ideas why Yoomp crashes? 

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