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New series of Pac-Man themed arcade controllers


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Something I've wanted to do for a while now, is to create a series of Pac-Man themed arcade controllers, as a way to honor all of the great Pac-Man games, ever created, and as a way to show my appreciation to all of the talented developers and programmers involved with all of these games (arcade games, official ports, & homebrews).  A new enclosure I've started using recently, because of its 14.25" width, really works well for Pac-Man games (and others), as it allows for the installation of ambidextrous controls layouts (like the original cabinets), and has lots of control surface, for CPO artwork.  So, what better game to kick off this new series with, than the radical, video game / pinball hybrid, Baby Pac-Man...ported for us by @PacManPlus  So presenting my:


Baby Pac-Man Edition - VVG Lap Controller




Details of the build:


** Serpac 182i,BK, 14.25" x 5", molded ABS enclosure


** VVG / iL PSM-30 microswitch, 4-way joystick, w/ Cherry (ZF) D44X microswitches, w/ 1-3/8" textured red ball knob, w/ red shaft cover


** Ultimarc GoldLeaf pushbuttons, (2) yellow (button left of joystick - wired as 7800 left button, button right of the joystick - wired as 7800 right button...for Flipper controls)


** 10' Custom crimped cable


** Baby Pac-Man arcade cabinet inspired CPO/Artwork


Then of course, there has to be a deluxe version, so also presenting my:


Baby Pac-Man DX Edition - VVG Lap Controller




...which may look very, very similar to the standard edition above, but wait, there's more...



Right side - Side mounted "Right Flipper" and "Ball Launch" buttons



Left side - Side mounted "Left Flipper" button


Details of the build:


** Serpac 182i,BK, 14.25" x 5", molded ABS enclosure


** VVG / iL PSM-30 microswitch, 4-way joystick, w/ Cherry (ZF) D44X microswitches, w/ 1-3/8" textured red ball knob, w/ red shaft cover


** Ultimarc GoldLeaf pushbuttons, (2) yellow (button left of joystick - wired as 7800 left button, button right of the joystick - wired as 7800 right button...for Flipper controls)


** Sanwa OBSF-24 pushbuttons, (3) (1 - left side of enclosure, black/yellow w/ A.S. classic concave cap - wired as 7800 left button, 2 - right side of enclosure, black/yellow w/ A.S. classic concave cap - wired as 7800 right button & black/red - wired as joystick down...for Flipper controls and ball launch)


** 10' Custom crimped cable


** Baby Pac-Man arcade inspired CPO/Artwork


I've currently got the artwork and layouts done for the Pac-Man, Ms. Pac-Man, and Super Pac-Man variants, and I'm currently working on the Jr. Pac-Man, and Pac-Man "Energy Drink" versions.  Then I'll have to check to see if I missed any, that actually had unique CPO artwork...as some "Pac" games were conversions/upgrades, that didn't include new CPO artwork.  Right now, I'm waiting on an order for more of these enclosures, but more variants to be revealed soon...so stay tuned.  Enjoy!

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So being built into a lightweight plastic enclosure, this Baby Pac-Man controller weighs in at 1.37 lbs. (620g for those in metric land).  To add some weight/ballast to the controller, I designed and machined 2 steel bars which can be added, by means of fastening them to the enclosure's internal PCB mounting bosses, like so:




The steel bars, @ 1/2" x 1/2" x 12" add an additional 0.74 lbs. each, which, when installed as a pair (for balance front to back), they bump up the overall assembled controller weight, to 2.85 lbs.  The bars are designed/machined with 3 large holes, to sleeve over 3 of the enclosure's assembly bosses, and 8 pocket holes, which fit over their mating 8 PCB mounting bosses, and will be fastened in place with 8 #4 thread-forming screws each (no hot glue or super glue).  This way the extra ballast is as low as possible within the enclosure, and also out of the way, as to not interfere with the installation of any of the control hardware.  These bars will of course get a coat of paint to prevent any possible surface rust, and once installed, will also stiffen up the body of the enclosure as well, which in all honestly, due to it's thickness, and its 10 assembly screws, isn't that bad to start with.  


No word yet on the rest of the enclosures I ordered (supposed to be a week or two), but the Pac-Man and Super Pac-Man artwork is printed/laminated/trimmed and ready to go, I need to print/laminate/trim the Ms. Pac-Man artwork, and I got about half-way done with the Pac-Man "Energy Drink" artwork today.  So I need to finish up that one's art, and move on to the Jr. Pac-Man art.  More to come.

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Here's a preview of the CPO artwork for the Pac-Man, Ms. Pac-Man, and Super Pac-Man variants:




All are based on their respective full-sized "upright" cabinet CPOs, and scaled to fit this specific Serpac enclosure.  Some minor artwork modifications were made to remove any original P1/P2 start button art (as they're not necessary), and as needed, to accommodate for either 1, or 2 buttons on each side of the joystick...so that any installed pushbuttons don't "break" the artwork's aesthetics.  This then also allows for these controllers to be assembled, alternately, with an 8-way joystick (vs. a just a 4-way), and 2 ambidextrous sets of 2 buttons, for full 7800 controller compatibility, should somebody want one "themed" for a "Pac" game, but universally useable for all games.  So far, I think the Super Pac-Man version is my favorite...only slightly ahead of the Baby Pac-Man variant...but all are beautiful and classic in their own right.  


I also got the Pac-Man "Energy Drink" artwork finished and printed today, and I have to admit, I like it a lot more now that's its printed, than I did when I first started working on it.  It's not as iconic as the classics above obviously, but it definitely does have it's own "Pac" charm.  More to come!

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Still waiting on my enclosure order (toe tapping, toe tapping, toe tapping).  I did receive an automated order update from my vendor (Mouser) yesterday, which lists March 13 as a date...although I'm not sure what happens on that date.  Is that when the manufacturer ships to them, when they ship to me, when they should arrive to me...unknown...so just have to wait.  Unfortunately, patience is not a virtue I'm known for, or real fond of, but what can you do!?!


On a productive note, I did finish up the artwork for the Jr. Pac-Man, and Pac-Man Red Bull ("Energy Drink") variants:




The Jr. Pac-Man artwork is based on the very rare, dedicated (factory-built Mappy conversions) cabinet's CPO artwork, which was also very similar to, the Super Pac-Man to Jr. Pac-Man conversion / field kit art.  For some reason, the Pac-Man and Ms. Pac-Man conversion / field kit CPO art was a bit different, but I like the dedicated cabinet's artwork a bit more, and went with that one.  


The Pac-Man Red Bull art was a bit tougher to come up with than the others.  As it's not a classic arcade cabinet, the internet isn't flush with resources for this one, but I did the best I could based on a few cell phone pics I could find that people had posted online.  For those who don't know, Red Bull partnered up with Bandi Namco, back in 2018 I believe, to produce a few of these cabinets (300 I've read, but who actually knows):




...which itself, is a re-branded / re-skinned Bandi Namco Pac-Man's Pixel Bash Chill Cabaret cabinet, which looks like this:




The artwork detailing, surrounding the joystick, is the same on both cabinets, and I was able to find a decent-ish image of the Pixel Bash CPO, which I was able to draw that from.  Then I just had to find the best pic of the Red Bull version that I could, scale and measure it, and draw that all from scratch.  


So while I'm waiting on enclosures, I'll just have to find something else to do.  I did come up with one new idea, for one other Pac variant that I may also make, just for fun, if I can work up something good for the artwork.  Other than that, unless we ever get a port of Pac-Mania for the 7800 (the SMS has a port..wink, wink), I think that's all of the different variants that there are...as Pac-Man Plus had new Marquee artwork, but no new CPO art, and Crazy Otto was never a "published" arcade game.  If I've missed any version, please chime in and let me know.  But for now, just a waiting game until I receive my enclosure order, at which point I can assemble and post these other variants when they're done.  More to come...soon I hope.  

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13 hours ago, Zonie said:

The fridge is a good idea.


They know what they're doin'!  I like how the factory image of the Pixel Bash Chill cabinet has a fridge stocked full of "not" Coca-Cola and "not" Diet Coke cans.  Then of course, the very nice inclusion of 2, ambidextrous drink holders, and 1 bottle opener...for all of your glass "soda" bottles.  😉


4 hours ago, PacManPlus said:

Those look incredible...  Great job!

What can I say...it's a labor of love.  Also please bear in mind, that I take zero "credit" for the creation of any of the above artwork...which was all originally created by talent artists.  I am simply a great admirer, and a so-so forger, who attempts to pay homage to the great masters, by preserving their artwork for the future generations!

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On 2/15/2024 at 10:22 PM, doubledown said:

So being built into a lightweight plastic enclosure, this Baby Pac-Man controller weighs in at 1.37 lbs. (620g for those in metric land).  To add some weight/ballast to the controller, I designed and machined 2 steel bars which can be added, by means of fastening them to the enclosure's internal PCB mounting bosses, like so:




The steel bars, @ 1/2" x 1/2" x 12" add an additional 0.74 lbs. each, which, when installed as a pair (for balance front to back), they bump up the overall assembled controller weight, to 2.85 lbs.  The bars are designed/machined with 3 large holes, to sleeve over 3 of the enclosure's assembly bosses, and 8 pocket holes, which fit over their mating 8 PCB mounting bosses, and will be fastened in place with 8 #4 thread-forming screws each (no hot glue or super glue).  This way the extra ballast is as low as possible within the enclosure, and also out of the way, as to not interfere with the installation of any of the control hardware.  These bars will of course get a coat of paint to prevent any possible surface rust, and once installed, will also stiffen up the body of the enclosure as well, which in all honestly, due to it's thickness, and its 10 assembly screws, isn't that bad to start with.  


No word yet on the rest of the enclosures I ordered (supposed to be a week or two), but the Pac-Man and Super Pac-Man artwork is printed/laminated/trimmed and ready to go, I need to print/laminate/trim the Ms. Pac-Man artwork, and I got about half-way done with the Pac-Man "Energy Drink" artwork today.  So I need to finish up that one's art, and move on to the Jr. Pac-Man art.  More to come.


Shouldn't there be some webbing for those without the steel bar?  I would think 14" is a long way for a totally flat piece of plastic and that it would dip in the middle.  Of course, I'm not materials engineer, so I could just be full of crap.  But it does seem like without webbing , it might not be very sturdy, though I recon the steel bars would give good support. But I would think the webbing would be a cheaper solution anyway.


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11 hours ago, christo930 said:


Shouldn't there be some webbing for those without the steel bar?  I would think 14" is a long way for a totally flat piece of plastic and that it would dip in the middle.  Of course, I'm not materials engineer, so I could just be full of crap.  But it does seem like without webbing , it might not be very sturdy, though I recon the steel bars would give good support. But I would think the webbing would be a cheaper solution anyway.


My idea for the steel bars was really to add weight/ballast to the controller (more so than anything else), so that the enclosure won't dance around when manipulating the controls.  In a perfect world, the controls would be mounted to a 250+ lb. arcade cabinet with a CRT monitor, but unfortunately those cabinets take up lots of room!  😉 Being a molded plastic enclosure, yes, of course, there is a little bit of possible flex in the flat control surface, but honestly, not that much, and probably not even noticeable by most.  These Serpac enclosures are molded just over 0.100" thick, and while you can slightly deflect the control surface, if you were to purposely apply downward force to it (most noticeable in the middle), I don't notice any flex when manipulating the controls.  If the enclosure were a 14.25" square, then yes, I'm sure the flex would be much more severe, but as its only 5" deep (front to back), its pretty negligible.  If I were really concerned with the control surface flex, or was going to try to stiffen up the control surface, I would probably try installing an aluminum backer plate (probably 0.0625" thick) to the underside of the control surface first (which I may still try out).  I'd apply it to the underside of the upper enclosure half, prior to machining, using the same double-sided 3M sheet adhesive I use to apply the CPO artwork.  Then I would machine the "backed" enclosure half as 1 unit (with the aluminum plate pre-installed), and once assembled with the hardware (joystick / buttons), in addition to the 3M adhesive sheeting (which is incredibly strong), the aluminum plate would be mechanically sandwiched between the bottom side of the control surface, and the top surfaces of the control hardware (joystick base / button nuts).  Other enclosures I've used, like the PacTec PT series (with a separate 0.062" aluminum control panel), and the Hammond 1456 series, (all aluminum enclosures with 0.064" - 0.081" control surfaces) are completely rigid with their thicknesses of aluminum, so I think adding a backer plate to the existing plastic enclosure, would completely stiffen up the control surface...if needed / wanted / desired.  Are there other, different, possibly cheaper solutions...yes, I'm sure there are.  Generally speaking, when designing / building a controller, cost is probably the lowest concern on my list, as my main goal is not to simply build the cheapest possible controller option/alternative.  So if adding an additional $20-$40 of cost, for steel and/or aluminum, can make the controller better/stiffer/more robust, then its totally fine with me.  Its also the same reason I use all brand name control hardware sourced from the U.S. and Europe, custom-crimp my own 9-pin cables, and purchase manufactured enclosures, vs. buying knock-off hardware from China, using 9-pin "extension cables", and/or 3D printing controller enclosures.  Just the way I'm interested in doing things. 

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Last night, I decided to also make a Pac-Mania controller variant as well, even though we don't have a port of it for the 7800...yet...somebody get programming!  So here's the preview of the artwork for this one:




I'm not sure what console I'll wire it for, maybe the Master System, or the Genesis, or the NES...who knows.  I know there is an Atari ST port of Pac-Man, but I don't own an ST, I've never owned an ST, I don't know anybody who ever owned an ST, and at present, I don't have any plans on getting an ST...so probably not for the ST.  I'll just have to decide when the time comes.  Long live Pac-Man!

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I received a "shipment to me" notice today from Mouser for the enclosures I ordered for these "Pac" controllers.  The label is too new in UPS's system, but I would anticipate getting them Monday.  Would have been great it if was Friday...give me something to do over the weekend, but I don't think so.  Have to wait and see.  

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Yeah...I finally received my enclosure order today!!!


So I start with this (enclosure top-half, mounted to the special machining fixture I made):




...and, less than 6 minutes later...with no human intervention, assistance, or error...I yield this:




...what a magical time to be alive!  This particular enclosure, with 4 buttons (2 ambidextrous sets of 2), is for my "original" Pac-themed design I came up with.  Nothing crazy or too radical (again, I'm not an artist)...just something I think will look cool, and will be built as a universal, 7800 joystick controller...with an 8-way joystick, 2 button compatibility (ambidextrous), and a Pac-Man theme...just not game specific like the others.  


Of course this same 4 button design/layout can be used for any of the other Pac-Man designs from above, except for Baby Pac-Man...as it currently is...as I would have to modify the artwork for the pushbutton layout & quantity.  I'll test this enclosure out tonight with the hardware to make sure the machining program is 100% correct (holes sizes and locations), then once I verify everything is fine, I can run off the other 6 tomorrow.  


Assuming everything is good, I may be able to unveil this new "original" design tonight...fingers crossed!

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6 hours ago, SlidellMan said:

Doubledown, did you go to Metal Shop class during high school? That pixel bash cabinet looks cool as hell.

No, not a single shop class in high school, wood shop in junior high (7th & 8th) yes, but not in high school.  But I have been a professional industrial equipment mechanic, and technical engineer, for the last 25+ years.


Ok, so the machining program is all good...everything fits and is laid out as intended...hooray! 


So, for this "original" model, I came up with this idea once I started laying out the artwork for the Pac-Man and Ms. Pac-Man versions...wherein, I realized that I would be able to fit 2 sets of ambidextrous buttons into this enclosure...which would yield 4 buttons, and of course the 1 joystick.  As I was doing all of these Pac-Man themed editions, I obviously had Pac-Man on the brain.  Now think about most Pac-Man games...1 Pac-Man (or a member of his family), and 4 ghosts...like 1 joystick, and 4 pushbuttons.  So presenting my:


Pac-Man "Midnight" Edition - VVG Lap Controller






So using a matte/textured yellow ball knob, and 4 buttons (red, pink, light blue, and orange), I am representing each of the characters from the game...in hardware form.  Then a little splash of "minimalistic" artwork, including graphical representations of each of the characters and their names, plus additionally the game's maze border, and voila.  


Details of the build:


** Serpac 182i,BK, 14.25" x 5", molded ABS enclosure


** VVG / iL PSM-30 microswitch, 8-way joystick, w/ Cherry (ZF) D44X microswitches, w/ 36mm textured QANBA matte yellow ball knob, w/ black shaft cover


** Ultimarc GoldLeaf pushbuttons, (4) red, pink, light blue, orange


** 10' Custom crimped cable


** "Custom" Pac-Man themed CPO/Artwork


Obviously not iconic...like any of the original arcade artwork, but I really wanted to build one with the 4 ghost colored buttons and a yellow ball knob...I just had to do it.  As there are no classic "Pac" games that require 2 buttons, I built this one with an 8-way joystick, as a universal / general use, 7800/2600/-8bit controller...that just so happens to be Pac-Man themed.  


And now that I know the machining program is good, I can get the other 6 enclosures machined tomorrow, and start their assemblies.  More to come...very soon!

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Ok, so working through the assemblies, lets start...where it all started:


Pac-Man Edition (4W2B-Black) - VVG Lap Controller



...with black "hidden" buttons, as the original cabinets didn't have any "game" buttons




Pac-Man Edition (4W2B-White) - VVG Lap Controller



...with white buttons, matching the original cabinets' P1/P2 start buttons


Details of the build:


** Serpac 182i,BK, 14.25" x 5", molded ABS enclosure


** VVG / iL PSM-30 microswitch 4-way joystick (D-8/16), w/ Cherry (ZF) D44X microswitches, w/ 1-3/8" textured red ball knob, w/ black shaft cover


** iL PSL-C microswitch pushbuttons w/ Cherry (ZF) D44X microswitches, (2) black, (or (2) white)


** 10' Custom crimped cable


** Pac-Man arcade cabinet inspired CPO/Artwork


Additionally these could be built as DX variants....with side mounted flipper and ball launch pushbuttons...for Baby Pac-Man, and/or with an 8-way joystick and 4 buttons...for full 7800 game capability.  

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Next up:


Ms. Pac-Man Edition (4W2B-Pink) - VVG Lap Controller



...with pink "hidden" buttons, as the original cabinets didn't have any "game" buttons




Ms. Pac-Man Edition (4W2B-White) - VVG Lap Controller



...with white buttons, matching the original cabinets' P1/P2 start buttons


Details of the build:


** Serpac 182i,BK, 14.25" x 5", molded ABS enclosure


** VVG / iL PSM-30 microswitch 4-way joystick (D-8/16), w/ Cherry (ZF) D44X microswitches, w/ 1-3/8" textured red ball knob, w/ black shaft cover


** iL PSL-C microswitch pushbuttons w/ Cherry (ZF) D44X microswitches, (2) pink, (or (2) white)


** 10' Custom crimped cable


** Ms. Pac-Man arcade cabinet inspired CPO/Artwork


Additionally these could be built as DX variants....with side mounted flipper and ball launch pushbuttons...for Baby Pac-Man, and/or with an 8-way joystick and 4 buttons...for full 7800 game capability.  

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Posted (edited)

Continuing on...with my favorite:


Super Pac-Man Edition (4W2B-Red) - VVG Lap Controller




Details of the build:


** Serpac 182i,BK, 14.25" x 5", molded ABS enclosure


** VVG / iL PSM-30 microswitch 4-way joystick (D-8/16), w/ Cherry (ZF) D44X microswitches, w/ 1-3/8" textured red ball knob, w/ red shaft cover


** iL PSL-C microswitch pushbuttons w/ Cherry (ZF) D44X microswitches, (2) red


** 10' Custom crimped cable


** Super Pac-Man arcade cabinet inspired CPO/Artwork


Additionally this could be built as a DX variant....with side mounted flipper and ball launch pushbuttons...for Baby Pac-Man, and/or with an 8-way joystick and 4 buttons...for full 7800 game capability.  

Edited by doubledown
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24 minutes ago, PacManPlus said:

You really do great work!

...thank you sir...so do you!


Continuing on:


Pac-Mania Edition (4W2B-Red) - VVG Lap Controller




Details of the build:


** Serpac 182i,BK, 14.25" x 5", molded ABS enclosure


** VVG / iL PSM-30 microswitch 4-way joystick (D-8/16), w/ Cherry (ZF) D44X microswitches, w/ GGG Hand Candy Midnight Slate ball knob, w/ black shaft cover


** iL PSL-C microswitch pushbuttons w/ Cherry (ZF) D44X microswitches, (2) red


** 10' Custom crimped cable


** Pac-Mania arcade cabinet inspired CPO/Artwork


Additionally this could be built as a DX variant....with side mounted flipper and ball launch pushbuttons...for Baby Pac-Man, and/or with an 8-way joystick and 4 buttons...for full 7800 game capability.  Two more editions to assemble.

Edited 28 minutes ago by doubledown

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...and then:


Jr. Pac-Man Edition (4W2B-Pink) - VVG Lap Controller



...with pink "mostly hidden" buttons, as the original cabinets didn't have any "game" buttons




Jr. Pac-Man Edition (4W2B-White) - VVG Lap Controller



...with white buttons, matching the original cabinets' P1/P2 start buttons


Details of the build:


** Serpac 182i,BK, 14.25" x 5", molded ABS enclosure


** VVG / iL PSM-30 microswitch 4-way joystick (D-8/16), w/ Cherry (ZF) D44X microswitches, w/ 1-3/8" textured red ball knob, w/ red shaft cover


** iL PSL-C microswitch pushbuttons w/ Cherry (ZF) D44X microswitches, (2) pink, (or (2) white)


** 10' Custom crimped cable


** Jr. Pac-Man arcade cabinet inspired CPO/Artwork


Additionally these could be built as DX variants....with side mounted flipper and ball launch pushbuttons...for Baby Pac-Man, and/or with an 8-way joystick and 4 buttons...for full 7800 game capability.  


One more to go!

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...and now, finally:


Pac-Man Red Bull Edition (4W2B-Red) - VVG Lap Controller




Details of the build:


** Serpac 182i,BK, 14.25" x 5", molded ABS enclosure


** VVG / iL PSM-30 microswitch 4-way joystick (D-8/16), w/ Cherry (ZF) D44X microswitches, w/ 1-3/8" textured red ball knob, w/ black shaft cover


** iL PSL-C microswitch pushbuttons w/ Cherry (ZF) D44X microswitches, (2) red


** 10' Custom crimped cable


** Pac-Man Red Bull cabinet inspired CPO/Artwork


Additionally this could be built as a DX variant....with side mounted flipper and ball launch pushbuttons...for Baby Pac-Man, and/or with an 8-way joystick and 4 buttons...for full 7800 game capability.




If I never see another Pac-Man controller again, it will be too soon!  😉  Of course I'm kidding...I love Pac-Man(s), and its that love, that provided the motivation for building each of these 8 Pac variants.  Collect 'em all! Trade 'em with your friends!  Enjoy!

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