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Season 15 ~ Week 6 ~ Bronze Medal Winner


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Wish I spent more time on this one, I really like it (difficult controls aside, which is part of the challenge and kind of the charm?). Anyway, made it one screen scroll further lol, but a new score to submit!


Tut - 1,398


And a tiny increase on DC, no change in bonus, but I’ll submit it anyway…


Dark Cavern - 118,000


Another great game with a similar difficult control scheme. At least you can shoot up and down in this one, but no flash bomb…

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4 hours ago, Vocelli said:

I missed your 261k score on Dark Cavern.

So I will add 3 points to your total.


@Vocelli This was my first time.  Thank you, it was fun!  How does this work?  It says I got 42 points.  So, when will I see myself listed in the standings?  Thank you very much!  

Edited by Living Room Arcade
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Skipping Treasures


As I think another player here mentioned earlier, sometimes I would skip treasures, especially in the 4th/blue chamber towards the exit, the passages are nearly vertical and guarded by very fast monkeys and spinners and oftentimes I would skip those treasures and just hope to make it out the exit, because next is chamber 1, much easier; even speeded up, it's still much easier.  


Learning How to Stop




You can't stop until you get to the end of the passage, right?  I felt rather embarrassed when I realized you can stop anywhere in any passage as long as it's just a little wider than you are.  If it's even a few pixels wider, you can move perpendicular and stop anywhere in the passage.  You don't have to use the little recesses in the walls all the time and you don't have to go all the way to the end.  Only in the skinniest of passages are you not able to stop.  


If I may ask, what strategies/tricks did you guys discover while you were playing the game?  (I realize that the high score guys may not want to give away their best secrets.)  Just any tips you may want to share.  

Edited by Living Room Arcade
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