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2600 bashing was uncool...

Cassidy Nolen

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I love the 80's last night was 83 at 9 p.m.


Ian Michael Thomas, in his played out sarcastic tone, spit on Atari. Not cool. Anyone can think what they want, but compared to the 2600's lifespan, the Colecovision was a flash in a frying pan.


Uncool to bash Atari. Even when I did not play it (before I rediscovered it), I never bashed it.



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aww come on, have a sense of humor, he was playing up the silliness of the early 80s console wars "i have an intellivision, atari is joke". funny how people still do that with that the current consoles.


besides debbie gibson spoke up for the 2600, she turned out pretty good looking too, but what was up with boy george?

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...funny how people still do that with that the current consoles...


I dunno. That's a natural thing with people, to prefer one particular brand of something over another. In this case, video game systems (new or old).


It's no different that a person preferring a Mustang over a Camaro, or a Dell over a Gateway. :D

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Is that the dude with the black hair who TRY'S to make ironic wry comments on each subject? I HATE that guy!! If it's the guy I'm thinking about, he's on EVERY friggin show of the I love the 80's and I love the 70's trying to make the same type of comments. Sometimes he's funny but the rest.. let's just say it gets tired. The guy needs a new schtick :P

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Not that funny is he? Someone on usenet was laughing of his title "media consultant".

Said it probably meant he was unemployed. And I don't know why they sometimes act

sarcastic and make fun of things back then, it's not like things are that impressive now.

Just wait till they do a show about current events in 10-20 years:

Guy's pants below their underwear,

Oxygen bars

Drive through cappucino

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I've gotta wonder just how well some of their panelists actually remember the early 80's. They couldn't have been very old (especially the sarcastic guy who thinks he's funny, and isn't).


Anyway, the 2600 got respect in the first 80's series they did, which was a lot better than this one. This is more like "I Love the 80's Leftovers".


I do like the station IDs they're doing now, that look and sound like 2600 video games though.

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Michael Ian Black? Doesn't ring a bell.


I could care less for washed up 80s stars. I don't give a crap where Wang Chung ended up (Burger King?) or what Boy George was doing all those years (selling himself?).


The 80's was all about big hair, Atari and living in excess, baby! :D

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to clarify-


ian michael thomas, not to be confused with phillip michael thomas (black guy on miami vice)


dissed the 2600 in favor of the 2600, made spitting gesture at imaginary 2600.


hal sparks, who has gaming cred for hosting G4's top 100 games of all time special


hal made the using the CV controller/ playing with yourself joke


debbie gibson, pop dork who grew up to be hot


deborah defended the atari, go go electric youth!

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yes debs no amazing beauty but still compared to the other 80s ladies on the show she was a sight to behold. lita ford, samantha fox looked like bike week leftovers, comeback tours? i think not.


ok drifting off topic. i thought the special attention given to the CV was really cool, being old enough to remember that era it really did seem revolutionary. i remember playing sports action baseball with the 3-D prespective batting and thinking- games and reality have merged!

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Ha ha, when I saw that segment I just knew it would cause an uproar here.


And it is Michael Ian Black, not Ian Michael Thomas.


I think he's pretty funny, and you can't really take anything he says seriously. I'm pretty sure his comments aren't going to set off a wave of "anti-Atari 2600" rallies with people throwing their rare Xonox cartridges they found in their attics, while Atari 2600 fans weep nearby.

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