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Any interest in a MIDIMaze group?


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Is there a way to hook a modem into a cell phone?  I get unlimited minutes with my cell phone, but I'd have to pay long distance charges with my regular line (when I can freakin' get on it that is).




Hmm, acoustic coupler? :D



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A2600, is READY im coming for ya Calgary, (looks at the XM301, and wonders how to use it?)


How do I use my XM301? do I need a Software Disk to make it work?


I don't have my copy of MIDI Maze yet, and don't know if it contains its own terminal software. I would doubt this, but who knows? Perhaps Mark has the answer to this one. :)

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Cell Phone > usb connection computer modem to atari modem


Can you elaborate on this a little?


Bluetooth cell phones can be used to connect to the internet. You basically need a bluetooth-enabled laptop (either with built-in bluetooth or via a small USB adapter) and a bluetooth cell phone. You can then dial out with the computer, which controls the cell phone to make the connection, as long as the cell phone is within range of the computer. :)


T-Mobile sells unlimited data for $19.99 a month. It seems to be much more expensive with other providers. I am looking to replace my aging Nokia 8260 (often turns off on its own and the vibrating ringer no longer works) with a new bluetooth phone, such as the Sony Ericsson T610, so I've been looking into this lately.



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Is there a way to hook a modem into a cell phone?  I get unlimited minutes with my cell phone, but I'd have to pay long distance charges with my regular line (when I can freakin' get on it that is).




Hmm, acoustic coupler? :D




That sure would work with the old acoustic coupler modem like is at the top of this forum index! You would have to do some creative MacGyvering of some type between the coupler and cellphone to make sure they can hear each other well, but it would work!


I'd also love to join in, but I still need to get midimaze, which has been put on hold until next month since the suprise release of BattleSphere Gold on the Jaguar and my 7 day purchase window! plus, I'd also need to get an Atari modem or an 850/PR:connection interface for my supra 28k modem. I was getting it (midimaze 8-bit)to play with my ST and 8-bit through the ST's midi-ports and my 8-bit's midimate! I think I'll look into that acoustic couple modem though, I got free long distance on my cell phone too! :D


Or...are ST's and 8-bits capable of playing over modems or only through the midi-ports? I could play with you guys on my ST if it's possible, in fact, we could include a bunch of ST users in this midimaze online"club" too!

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