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Xonox cart - 1/2 PAL?


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This is a known issue with Artillery Duel. Many newer TV's freak out due the incorrect number of scanlines and display the way you describe (both of mine do this as well). It can be solved with manual vertical hold.

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It displayes it fine that is very strange.

Nah, only very bad programming. :roll:


Well I think every tv sold in the 80's had a vertical hold so I don't think they could have predicted this issue with newer tvs, could they? It probly is programming though because no other game does this. Damn that Xonox. So did they have a team of monkeys working round the clock writing this game. :ponder:

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wow- deja vu! i posted this same topic on a different message board about a year and a half ago...

i can tell you this- it is not defective! mine did the SAME thing- exactly!

it works fine on some televisions and then not on others... dont know why- it just does.



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