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X-Man label variation? (now with pictures)


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Just got my second X-Man for the Atari 2600 today and it looks totally different from the other cart i have.


1) It's in an official Spectravision casing (including logo). The other one i have is in a casing that looks like it, but doesn't have the name and logo


2) The label is different. It's only 2 colors (white and red) and the text below the logo is different. It only says 'Adult Video Game Cartridge' and 'Game cartridge manufactured in Hong Kong, © 1983 Universal Gamex Corporation'. The label itself is also square.


Anyone have any idea where this might have come from?




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yep, that's how my 'normal' X-Man looks like. Like i said in the 1st post, the second X-Man i got is totally different (It does say Spectravision on the casing, and the label is white with red text). Unfortunately i don't have access to a scanner at the moment, but i hope to get some pictures of it later.




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  • 3 weeks later...

Just opened the casing :) Found a Spectravideo PCB inside, and one of the chips had a little window with a sticker over it, so it wasn't probably a production cart. I already checked if i could see any differences with a normal X-Man but haven't found anything yet. (maybe i should look better, but the game is not that much fun to play :( )


I guess that rules out the pirate option. Maybe this is a Spectravideo labloaner or something...




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Just opened the casing :) Found a Spectravideo PCB inside, and one of the chips had a little window with a sticker over it, so it wasn't probably a production cart. I already checked if i could see any differences with a normal X-Man but haven't found anything yet. (maybe i should look better, but the game is not that much fun to play :( )


I guess that rules out the pirate option. Maybe this is a Spectravideo labloaner or something...





Definitely an EPROM. I doubt a lab loaner -- unless Spectravideo was in the habit of printing nice labels for loaners. Not a re-labelling job either or the screw holes wouldn't be exposed (they'd just have printed a new label). I'm thinking pirate of some sort.

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It was already known that X-Man carts contain Spectravision pcbs, so Universal Gamex probably was just an 'empty' company that Spectravision came up with, to distribute X-Man. Perhaps this was a sort of in-house try-out version?




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It was already known that X-Man carts contain Spectravision pcbs, so Universal Gamex probably was just an 'empty' company that Spectravision came up with, to distribute X-Man. Perhaps this was a sort of in-house try-out version?





Yep, looks like an engineering sample. Very 8) .

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very cool, no matter what it is. if the label was black/white, i would suspect some sort of pre-release or evaluation copy. but it has a color label, which would be more costly to produce. maybe they did a trial run of labels also, and eventually decided on the full color version we typically see today.

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This does kinda suck in a strange way. I bought this game through ebay (i got it pretty cheap) hoping to use it as trade-bait, but now i'm seriously thinking about keeping it for myself since it does seem to be something really special :D



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