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At first: Do not use C! 🙂 (I love assembly and always feel sad if the Lynx power is waste with handling C stack).


There is no need for bit-fiddling if you make each character a sprite of its own.


But there are different approaches for text rendering. Both have there pro's and con's.


BLL for example allows to draw the text into a sprite data block and then draw it with a single SCB. This is good for "print once draw many times" or if you like the move the text around.


Fast changing text like score it likely better done with separate sprites.


But if I did not mention it: Use Assembly!



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The tgi is really not used for text anymore. I am usually using a smaller version without any text functions.



The way to contribute would be to write a new display function to replace tgi. Something more optimized that would only include the used functions in the binary.

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15 minutes ago, karri said:

The tgi is really not used for text anymore. I am usually using a smaller version without any text functions.

mini-tgi.s 18.32 kB · 0 downloads


The way to contribute would be to write a new display function to replace tgi. Something more optimized that would only include the used functions in the binary.

draw_sprite:			; Draw it in render buffer
       	sta     SCBNEXTL
       	stx     SCBNEXTH
	sta     VIDBASL
       	stx     VIDBASH
       	lda     #1
       	sta     SPRGO
       	stz     SDONEACK
@L0:    stz     CPUSLEEP
       	bit     SPRSYS
       	bne     @L0
       	stz     SDONEACK
        lda     #TGI_ERR_OK
	    sta	ERROR



Some more place can be tweaked.

Edited by 42bs
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