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Old style RF switch. To switch you from your outside Antenna to the game console. They still make these switch boxes but depending on the television and other factors. It can produce a really bad picture.




A/B F type switch box. This option allows you to switch from what ever you want to you television. A good example is my brother had a super nintendo. When he plugged it in-line with the cable company wire. The picture went all fuzzy and look really bad even when the unit was turned off. This box allows you to isolate each input.


Between the Game Console and Switch Box:


This little goodie is what everybody talks about. It is available at RS for a small price. It can connect directly to the back of some systems. For instance I have mine connected directly to the back of my Atari 7800. Then a standard 3ft RG59 cable to the back of my television. I get a perfectly clear picture. Other systems may require the removal or use of a slighly different connector.


If anybody has information or pictures to add to this. Go right ahead. Pictures say a thousand words.





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