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Whats your favorite 2600 game theme/music?


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It has to be Thrust. Hey Thomas, I listened to the intro tune before I bought the game, and after I got it it sounds a little worse on the actual hardware. Why is that? It is still a good song nonetheless, and about 3 times as long as anything that came out of the 80's. I think Pitfall 2 gets so annoying, I usually end up putting it on mute, it is like the same 3 notes over and over and over and over and over again. Unless that is what you like.

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Pitfall II has to take it. Nothing else on the 2600 (back then anyways) had such a complex and lovely set of music pieces.


Beyond that, I liked the music intro on Crystal Castles, and the cut scene music for Frogger.


Nowdays, I'd say that, actually the Test cart has some the best modern music. Kind of funny, I think it would have been great music on a space shooter of some kind actually. :D

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Favorites: Gyruss, Pitfall II, Tunnel Runner, Reactor


Honorable mention: Crystal Castles, Spider-Man, Ms. Pac-Man, Racquetball, Midnight Magic (charge!), Star Trek, Star Wars: Jedi Arena, Spy Hunter


Most annoying: Miner 2049er I & II, Starmaster, Ghostbusters, Tapper


Ooohhh... Forgot Ms. Pac and Reactor!

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It has to be Thrust. Hey Thomas, I listened to the intro tune before I bought the game, and after I got it it sounds a little worse on the actual hardware. Why is that?

I have no idea, and since I don't have that cart myself I cannot confirm that. Maybe some hardware differences.


Can you describe the differences?

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