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Xante Cart found in the wild !!!!


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Alright... I don't see it anywhere in the rarity guide... but I was wondering if you all are interested in an Item I just found at a local game store....



I decided to stop at a gameshop I rarely visit. I wasn't going to go there, but I thought... why the hell not. :)


So I was looking through the guy's 8-bit NES stuff (I just got an NES really cheap at the fleamarket) and then got bored searching through all of the millions of copies of Mario Bros./Duck Hunt games he had. Then I remembered he had some Atari games behind the counter... so I asked to see them.


The first thing I see is a blue Atari cart. So I got very excited. I was like; "What the hell is this!" Then I noticed it was the ONLY game that didn't have a price tag on it. I didn't know how that would work out... being I only had about $7 on me at the time. Anyway I grabbed it, and Kung_Fu Master. Total: $6


Now... the details:


The game is Trick Shot. It is in a blue cart. It has the front label like all Xante carts... (white background, rainbow color stripe, The name of the game. and other information listed below)


The bottom of the cart says:


Presented by:



© 1982 Imagic




110583 063003 00265 E1



The end label says Xante (written in the rainbow colored section, just like all of the other Xante games). And of course it says "Trick Shot" on there.



So... someone please tell me the value of my find. I haven't found any information on this yet.


And yes... as I mentioned... I will be selling it more than likely. Simply because I'm not really a collector of the 'rarity games'... unless of course it is to fill out a certain collection I am trying to get (ie... I'd keep a Mr. Do's Castle... just so I can complete my Parker Brother's collection. However... I am not striving to collect all 10's or rarity 9's).


Anyways... please send back a line or two. If you have an offer... just PM me. :)


I don't know how to post pictures... but I can get a picture of the game if someone would like to see it.





From a happy flea market shopper!!!


Eric DeLee

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Hey there,


You can post pictures by hitting the reply button then scrolling down to where it says Add an attachment. Click the browse button and select the file you want to upload. Then click Add attachment, or, if you are only posting one picture, you can just click submit.


you need to write something in the post a reply section or the system will not let you submit your picture.


As for the rarity, if it is indeed a Xante cart, it's safe to say that it is a rarity 10 and will fetch considerably more than you bought it for. ;)


Nice find!!!





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I figured it was going to be a rarity 10. :) So that is good news!


I'm hoping to get some money for it simply so I can plug it all right back into buying more games (boy... this hobby sure is addictive!).


I'll see what I can do to get a picture posted tonight. For some reason my scanner is telling me to reinstall the driver or some crap. So I'll have to see if I can borrow a digital camera or something to post a picture. Hell... maybe even the webcam will work. lol (BTW... if I SCAN the game... will it mess it up? I don't want to take that chance)


Thanks again!


Eric DeLee

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Skeptics? As if I'm pulling your chain or not. :) I hear you... and I know that some people have pulled our legs lately... but I can promise you this is legit.


I guess living in Tulsa, OK does have an advantage. I didn't realize Xante carts started here... and well... ended here in Tulsa as well. lol I need to keep an eye out for a few more of these... although I doubt I'll find any more.


Anyways... take it for what it is worth now. I'll silence the people that don't believe when I get a picture posted. :)


Eric DeLee

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Skeptics?  As if I'm pulling your chain or not.  :)  I hear you... and I know that some people have pulled our legs lately... but I can promise you this is legit.  


I guess living in Tulsa, OK does have an advantage.  I didn't realize Xante carts started here... and well... ended here in Tulsa as well.  lol  I need to keep an eye out for a few more of these... although I doubt I'll find any more.  


Anyways... take it for what it is worth now.  I'll silence the people that don't believe when I get a picture posted.  :)


Eric DeLee


Ack! You're in Tulsa? I do some hunting through there once every few months.. I must have skipped the week you got this! Congrats!

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I'm never one to hold back my shopping areas. I found this at 21st amd Memorial. There is a small gameshop there that is pretty much over-priced on everything (except the little amount of atari games he has).


The sad thing: I think I saw the Xante cart there when I FIRST started collecting ... but I didn't know what it was and therefore didn't buy it. :roll:


So it's been there for about 6 months or so.

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I'm never one to hold back my shopping areas.  I found this at 21st amd Memorial.  There is a small gameshop there that is pretty much over-priced on everything (except the little amount of atari games he has).


The sad thing:  I think I saw the Xante cart there when I FIRST started collecting ... but I didn't know what it was and therefore didn't buy it.   :roll:  


So it's been there for about 6 months or so.


Hmm... I haven't been to that one! :twisted: I see I'll be making a trip...

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He is talking about Hershal's Game Exchange. The saddest part is that I haven't been to Hershal's in about a year. I used to go there for a while as I had managed to pick up my Ghostbusters and some other good carts there a ways back. But then he had the same commons left out over and over for the same pricing. He would never go back to the back to let me see what else he had or bring any new stuff out until he had depleted what was in the box already.


Trust me, the shop has way way more stuff than you might think. Simply put, I wouldn't be a bit damn surprised if every rarity 10 was in there somewhere. I am not kidding...


And...McCartney's used to be the Burlington Coat Factory that is just down the street from his shop. So, it is totally possible that the Xante cart you grabbed, has never been further than about a mile from where it was bought. Imagine that...


Good score Eric, and to think I was gonna stop in there Friday after work, but work ran over and I couldn't get there in time before he closed. Oh well, he probably has more Xantes in the back..but we'll never know because he will never bring them up. I hope to god you didn't tell him what you thought it really was?!

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I haven't been to Herschel's in a LOOONG time. I went in there once after it changed from Mauck's, but, like Mr. Maucko before him, everything was WAY overpriced. And I mean WAY. I used to work for the Game X Change, and Mauck's was basically our only competition, so I pretty much stayed away from there as much as I could.


Hey, any of you Tulsa dwellers up for a little interesting trivia? Here goes.


Mr. Maucko was once good friends with a guy named Chuck, who started the Game X Change company and franchised it out. Originally, Mauck's Game Exchange was going to just be a Game X Change, but somehow or another, the two had a falling out and he ended up not making it a franchise store, but his own. There was a lawsuit, but it was either dropped or Maucko won (it was over the name, but I honestly don't remember what the actual outcome was.) Ok, so fast forward several years. Brian Cherry comes to Tulsa bringing with him the actual, original Game X Change brand with him. I was his first employee, actually, and I started like maybe 3 days after he opened the store. He had several stores as part of the franchise. He pretty much ran Maucko out of business (which is good, because that man is a MAJOR asshole), and he sold his store to this Herschel guy. Now, Brian owns the entire Game X Change company (Chuck sold it to him and his dad and moved out to Florida I believe), and is expanding it quite a bit. Quite interesting how things turned out if you ask me. Especially since the nice guy, Brian, won out in the end, and the prick, Maucko, went out of business.

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$500?? That's insane.


It's just Trick Shot fer cryin' out loud. Just because someone slapped together a cheap copy of it in a blue case 20+ years ago, somebody is actually willing to fork over 500 bucks for it now?


Man... I'll never understand collectors. :roll:

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$500?? That's insane.


It's just Trick Shot fer cryin' out loud. Just because someone slapped together a cheap copy of it in a blue case 20+ years ago, somebody is actually willing to fork over 500 bucks for it now?


Man... I'll never understand collectors. :roll:


I actually agree with you, it's my firm believe that Xante carts are nothing but prototypes of released games, maybe worth $100.00 but not more. At least to me that is. ;)

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I don't want anyone to take the following as an accusation. I just think it's good to debate the matter.


Did any other companies use blue shells similar to Xante? What are the chances of a box of unused Xante shells being found?


On the other hand, Xante games are known to exist, and such a find is much more likely than previous claims of a lost protoype being unearthed (i.e. Airworld).

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$500?? That's insane.


Man... I'll never understand collectors. :roll:


why do you need to understand us?


i don't understand you players, but then again i don't need to... what i do understand, that you players, like to use the insane word a lot! yet us collectors don't say that about you players, playing these :ponder: 2600 games... had to think about that, i almost used a word that might insult you players.. :D


Take Care,


Rick :twisted:

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$500?? That's insane.


It's just Trick Shot fer cryin' out loud. Just because someone slapped together a cheap copy of it in a blue case 20+ years ago, somebody is actually willing to fork over 500 bucks for it now?


Man... I'll never understand collectors. :roll:



On a COMPLETELY unrelated subject, does anyone know how to dye black plastic light blue?




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what i do understand, that you players, like to use the insane word a lot!


Well, that's 'cuz we already know we're insane. (Great... now I probably offended all of the players here, too. Fortunately, they won't know it, because of course, they're all insane.) :D


As for collecting, I can see paying big bucks for a game that was a one-off prototype, or had very limited distribution. Like if Turbo ever showed up (for real, this time). But the Xante carts are just copies of mostly common games... so I can't see what makes them particularly desirable, since while the plastic is rare, the games are not. Whatever the game though, I don't think I could ever pay $500 for any Atari 2600 cart. But more power to those that can. I understand collecting can be a very enjoyable hobby.


(Actually, I used to collect comic books, but I feel much better now.) ;)

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Paint will chip and wear though... The plastic actually can be dyed while it is being formed.


I teach injection molding to middle school students. When you add the plastic to the injector chamber, you premix it with color pellets. I usually premix the color in to make it more uniform. The stuff actually looks like little round tapioca before you inject it. 450 degrees and about 150 PSI and you have yourself a colored case!





And yes, if I could get some help, I would love to make cart cases (even have a mill to make the molds; just need help with the CAD drawing of the case design)

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