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Xante Cart found in the wild !!!!


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$500?? That's insane.


It's just Trick Shot fer cryin' out loud. Just because someone slapped together a cheap copy of it in a blue case 20+ years ago, somebody is actually willing to fork over 500 bucks for it now?


Man... I'll never understand collectors. :roll:


I actually agree with you, it's my firm believe that Xante carts are nothing but prototypes of released games, maybe worth $100.00 but not more. At least to me that is. ;)


this doesnt have anything to do with the 2600, but i have a colecovision xante cartridge that is of a game that was never released. so, xante did pull off at least one true 'proto'.



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I just thought I'd mention that I am compiling a report about Xante Trick Shot, and would value your input before I make it live. You can find the report here.


Before you run off and read it, though, I would like to point out that I tend to use AtariAge as my guide, and if it ain't there, then it MAY need to be properly authenticated, in as much as anyone can do that. I'm not saying it's a fake, just that there are some people, whose opinion I respect, that have NEVER seen or HEARD of this game.


Like I said, I value the Forums input.


Leckyt : Editor, Vigaco.

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Before you run off and read it, though, I would like to point out that I tend to use AtariAge as my guide, and if it ain't there, then it MAY need to be properly authenticated, in as much as anyone can do that. I'm not saying it's a fake, just that there are some people, whose opinion I respect, that have NEVER seen or HEARD of this game.




I have no idea where you got the idea, but the AtariAge database is not a complete list of all games ever released. There are many games not in there. If you follow the forum for some time you'll see for yourself that new games (or variations) are still being found by collectors today.




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Fair enough. I see your point; but AtariAge gets referred to so often (especially on auction sites) that it can be easy to assume that if it's not listed, then it hasn't been seen.


In this case, a few of my collector buddies also would very much like to know if this particular cartridge is for real...


Couple of questions, then:


1/ Does anyone have a Xante catalogue (stolen from a store kiosk, perhaps?)


2/ Does the forum doubt the provenance of this cartridge, and why (not) ?


Leckyt : Editor, Vigaco

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Before you run off and read it, though, I would like to point out that I tend to use AtariAge as my guide, and if it ain't there, then it MAY need to be properly authenticated, in as much as anyone can do that. I'm not saying it's a fake, just that there are some people, whose opinion I respect, that have NEVER seen or HEARD of this game.


If you don't think that Rick (the winner of the aution) isn't capable of properly authenticating this, you are a fool!


Also, keep in mind that the cartridge casing is in cast in blue plastic. I know that it would cost a lot more than $500 to form a batch of these cases to make "fake" xante carts. This would certainly be counterproductive since Xante carts don't show up very often and as soon as three or so sold in the same month, or even year, that's when the red flag would go up and people would look with skepticism as to the xante carts being authentic. As you can see, your theory doesn't hold much water when you think about it.


Just because the font on the label is off... what makes you think that all the xante carts didn't have all their labes made individually with a typerwritter? That would account for the differences in the labels. Also, most of the different xante labels each have their own discrepencies. None of them are identical.


Part of the reason why I love this hobby is because there is no such thing as "grading","condition guides" or any other such unattractive, unessisary crap. And, BTW many people on these boards own many Atari items that have only been seen by a few people (prototye hardware,ECT). You are obviously NOT one of those few people, nor have you proven that you deserve to be. :D The collectors should determine the collectability of any given collectable, not the masses or some chart. "They" simply do not understand and shouldn't try to IMHO.

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If you don't think that Rick (the winner of the aution) isn't capable of properly authenticating this, you are a fool!


I never said that; but I certainly would like his opinion. On the other hand, I doubt very much he'd have bought it without believing it to be the real deal. What I'd like to know is if he had previously heard of Imagics Trick Shot on the Xante label, or whether this was completely 'in the wild'.


Also, keep in mind that the cartridge casing is in cast in blue plastic.  I know that it would cost a lot more than $500 to form a batch of these cases to make "fake" xante carts.


Very useful information. If one was going to fake a set of Xante carts, they would also need to have some Xante lables, which look reasonably difficult to copy. I'm not an expert in either Xante carts or forging, however.


 This would certainly be counterproductive since Xante carts don't show up very often and as soon as three or so sold in the same month, or even year, that's when the red flag would go up and people would look with skepticism as to the xante carts being authentic. As you can see, your theory doesn't hold much water when you think about it.


Agreed. It's not actually a theory, though. I simply don't know enough to form an actual theory. Hence, my post and this discussion. I AM finding it interesting, however.


Just because the font on the label is off...  what makes you think that all the xante carts didn't have all their labes made individually with a typerwritter?


I was under the impression that they we made by a daisywheel printer in a staffed kiosk. Expecting the staff to type all that wonderful textual detail would put a strain on the whole concept, IMHO : the staff would get bored. But, if anyone was there, bought one, and can tell me just what a "Xante booth" looked like, I'd love to know.


By the way, the font looks good. There is some information (the authors name) missing, and the store name is presented differently here than on other examples. But, if it was a person typing it, then :


 That would account for the differences in the labels.  Also, most of the different xante labels each have their own discrepencies.  None of them are identical.


It would, indeed. As would using a daisywheel. But I'd expect the detail (placement aside) to be correct, unless, as you say, there was a real live person doing all the typing...


Part of the reason why I love this hobby is because there is no such thing as "grading","condition guides" or any other such unattractive, unessisary crap.


1/ AtariAge is a guide. They even have rarity scores from 1 to 10, but do say that this has no bearing on eventual value.


2/ I agree that as a hobby, the thrill is in the object, not necessarily its' worth. Which means that, as you point out below, the object has a value that is its worth to the collector, not on the open market.


3/ Vigaco is a work of interest. I find it interesting that someone, for example, would pay $500 for a (rare) Atari 2600 cartridge. The prices and price movements are a guide for someone going through their garage and finding some old video game paraphanalia that "might be worth something". Not for seasoned collectors who know the value of what they have, both to themselves and on the open market.


 And, BTW many people on these boards own many Atari items that have only been seen by a few people (prototye hardware,ECT).  You are obviously NOT one of those few people, nor have you proven that you deserve to be.  :D  The collectors should determine the collectability of any given collectable, not the masses or some chart.  "They" simply do not understand and shouldn't try to IMHO.


I agree wholeheartedly. This is a learning experience, for me. I thrive on the history of video games, and just want to find out as much as possible; the only collection I have is of bits and bytes of information.


If I have offended, I apologise.


LeckyT : Editor, Vigaco

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I`d just like to stick my oar in a bit here....


I recently got hold of a lot with 2 Beagle Brothers carts in - they're winging their way toward me as we speak, by airmail....


Neither of these carts (Space Invaders and River Raid) are in the AtariAge database. In fact, the very legitimacy of ALL the Beagle Brothers carts is in question.


Thing is, there are many ways of helping to authenticate the provenance of a cart. In my case I could see the label was accurate, but this can in theory be faked. The biggest clue was in the location of the seller - Colorado Springs in my case - the only place BB carts have been found that I know of, indeed, probably in the same _store_ as the other BB carts (a Goodwill store there). Either he was a faker who had done a good amount of research or was genuine - the fact he didn`t volunteer the relevance of his location supports the latter.


In the same way, the Xante cart was found by someone in the right area of the world, and other facts backed him up. In other words, although Rick couldn`t guarantee the authenticity, there comes a point where it's very likely to be genuine. At the end of the day, though, nobody knows everything about this hobby, so it all comes down to personal judgement. I reckon the Xante cart is kosher, and Rick knows what he's doing....


Personally, I think $500 was a good price, given Eli's Ladder is more common and went for >$1000. Of course, the Xante cart is just a copy of Trick Shot, so it is really just a label variation, same a BB cart.


That's just $0.02c worth from someone else willing to take a chance on unknown carts, probably didn`t help much, but you never know. :)

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there is a search button at the top of these forums. for more research, you can search for "xante" in these forums. you may be surprised. some of the information you seek is sprinkled in there. for example:




in that thread, you will find the picture of the xante trick shot that i own. it does not appear in the rarity guide itself, but this particular title has been found at least once before.


information about who on atariage owns other xante titles can be found here:




have fun!

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