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Homestar Runner site has Atari 2600 intro


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Yeah, I got to play a li'l demo of the game at OKGE, and I gotta say this. Paul, get your BUTT in gear and finish this thing man! I SO wanna play it. I discovered Homestar Runner after seeing the game, but now I'm completely hooked on it (check my sig for gawd's sake), and the game will make it all the sweeter! Fwqwghads!

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Brothers Chaps are huge 2600 marks. They've routinely snuck things into the site, such as an easter egg for an Atari "feed bread to ducks" game, a hidden section of retro-games featuring HSR characters (Strong Bad shooting falling Homestars, a drunken Night Driver, et cetera), and the animated short "In Search of the Yello Dello" which features Pitfall II music and graphics and sound effect from Pitfall (espec. the scorpion). I asked Paul if he might find a way to include one or two of their games on the Homestar Runner RPG (especially the ones that would essentially be "hacks" of 2K or 4K games) and he said he wasn't sure it could fit on a cart, but in an ideal world if he could (and they were willing) he would. :D

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It used to be on the page where Strong Bad says he's BORED (and you had to click on the O). They reshuffled the site content several times in the last three months, so I'm not sure off-hand where that page is right now. For a while it was on a page of four options, one of which was the SB E-Mail.

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Question, MMF. Where is the hidden section where Strong Bad shoots the falling Homestars and the drunken Night Driver? I haven't seen those yet...
[games][homestar talker] select in this order: Pom-Pom, And, Strong Bad, Are, Totally, Going, Out. Click Suprise!

Next click the words in this order: But, Homestar, Can, Win, The, Stupid, Competition. Click the Suprise! button. theres your menu! It can only be axcessed thru this game and combonation! You own me big time 2600Lives!

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What? I've seen that secret Strong Bad opening page several times (I've seen most of the hidden stuff honestly), but I've never been able to access any hidden games from it. Mebbe I'm doing something wrong?


And there's a new Malloween commercial up, if anyone is interested. It didn't work when they put the first link up, but now it works just fine.


"Ahhhh...SNAP!" Lol, Marshie is too funny.

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I know what games you guys are talking about. I've been searching for them for a while now actually. I know you cant get to them from the SB title page but you do get a glimpse of his night driver game on the tv. If only I could remember how to get to those... I'm convinced they took them off.



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