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New Game: Ace 2600


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Cool, I cant wait to give it shot. A few free hours? Man if I could accomplish what you guys can in "a few free hours...."



(the ever jealous - wishes he had the patience to learn to program or at least hack a 2600 game - someday he may before he turns 60)

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Hi Manuel,


Very cool. It looks like Combat has become a popular game to modify. Glad to see another use for the driving controllers. :wink:


I found it's very fun to play against my girlfriend.


Good to know. Just as importantly, does your girlfriend find it fun? More importantly, will I find a girl who likes video games? :ponder:

Ok I said too much...

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Hi there!


It seems this might be your chance then. I suppose once Manuel's wife finds out about his girlfriend, there will be one or two women looking for a new VCS programmer to play with. ;)


:lolblue: God, I better soon get used to being married. Sometimes when answering the phone, I don't even know my name :lolblue:




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Hi there!


Oh, it's based on the Combat source code, that certainly helped speeding up the process :)
So does that make this a hack or a homebrew? :?


Hm... at present it's 80% a hack I'd say. First I stripped Combat down to it's core, then I added the DC code and tweaked a few other things. I have a version more recent than the one posted which is using less than 1K.


Depending on the feedback how people like it and how the DC controls are received, I might continue working on it like adding more features and so render it more unique.


I thought the present state was good enough to evaluate this, before risking to spend more time on a game principle no one likes in the end... :)




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lets see...




no screen shots on klov....


its their second game. and they just scratched the word 'pong' off of the paperwork and wrote 'space race' lol





finding a real space race to play:




i cant find a single picture of this game anywhere...

this page lists it as a vertically scrolling racer?



if it is, that wouldnt be a simple freeway hack...


lets see if mame searching has any screen shots...

aha, space race is not in mame...


anyone know for real what space race is? real actual game pictures?

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