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PCUAE v4.0.0 Supports THE400 Mini Now


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Yep, I released PCUAE v4.0.0  yesterday, weird its v4.0.0 like 400 so it matches, it the way it worked out ... :)


It works the same way as THEC64 does so you can run its Modes and that, it does have Atari 8bit Mode too so can run Atari800 Emulator 4.20 on it too.


Its here - https://thec64community.online/thread/1681/new-release-pcuae-v4


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57 minutes ago, THX-1138 said:

So what will this do, apart from having a name that makes me think of an Amiga emulator?

Didn't looked deeper into this, but imho you can install other emulators with this on the machine - it's an alternate firmware. Adding games direct to the carousel might not work, if I understand release news correct.

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8 minutes ago, pps said:

Didn't looked deeper into this, but imho you can install other emulators with this on the machine - it's an alternate firmware. Adding games direct to the carousel might not work, if I understand release news correct.

I wouldn't mind more customisation options for the 400 itself rather than other emulators.


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I'm a bit on the fence about this one. I would really like my favourites in the carousel and be able to run more platforms…

but the reason I bought the mini is because I was tired configuring other emulation platforms trying to get them to work. 

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Posted (edited)

I would love to do something with the carousel but RGL has locked it so you have to rebuild most of it, all its games on the carousel in a raw bin file now so not like THEC64 carousel where they are in a folder.


I did say to RGL they could add saves as favourites on the carousel from the USB Drive, so you save a game that on the USB Drive then add it as a favourite on the carousel, that way your only puting games on the carousel from the USB Drive that RGL are allowing you to use anyway.

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Posted (edited)

Oh and you can load Atari 8Bit Mode that uses the Atari800 Emulator, its part of Atari Mode, it can as well run the AtariST too in Atari 16bit Mode, it has its own hard drive it boots the AtariST from.


With PCUAE you only need to download the Mode you want to use, you do not need too use all of it, the Modes are separate, I did this way so if your on say THEC64 then you can use VICE Mode and if on THEA500 then you can use Amiga Mode and if your on THE400 then you can use Atari Mode, if you wish... :) and its not so big on the USB Drive too.


And you might be able to do more things in the Mode then with the built in emulator in the carousel because its limited.

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I could add a BASIC Mode to PCUAE but not sure what you could load in it, I need to first workout what Colleen emulator can do on its own I did try running it on its own and it loaded Atari Notepad on the screen, but it would need Media Access to load anything in it, unless I find a way of run one game in it then you be able to swap it on the USB Drive, but not sure anyone would want it, maybe better if RGL do it, you can only do so much with the machine because its not modifiable friendly.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I made a video of PCUAE Atari 8bit Mode on THE400 Mini so you can see how a game runs in the Atari 800 Emulator 4.2.0, I am playing Donkey Kong in it and so you know you have alternative to the built-in emulator.

Enjoy... :)



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