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U1MB/FujiNet Living Together - Must Have Tools?

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As long as I’ve been here (in total - old nick plus this nick) I’m sure I’ve passed by at least 50 mentions of software that I likely should have made a note : “Once I get a fujinet and a U1MB I need to make sure that is in my software stack..” but its taken me a while to get off my butt and order a U1MB.. Well, elephants have flown and I have the expansion card headed my way with a kind user here at AA doing the installation for me. (Thanks!) 


Now then… What the collective considers super useful in their own day to day usage? My setup is XEGS with U1MB - and Fujinet. I was considering Side3 but from what I have read, I’m not sure I need it owning the FujiNet (?)…


My main use/interests revolve around messing about with BBS Software (Writing mods, perhaps once again trying my hand at writing a BBS from scratch or hacking something together so much that it resembles something new), likely running a BBS as well - something that I recall back wayyyy back in the day had me utilizing quite a few tools just to accomplish the day to day upkeep of that if nothing else.. 


Along with my BBS fetish, and I supposed it goes along hand in hand is plain old “I just found this old disk with no label that someone sent me - but it doesn’t read right - wonder whats on it?” I know way back I had a few sector editors/hex viewers, etc though I can’t remember whether or not those were PC based or not.. 


Just a few things mentioned … And who knows maybe the consensus will be “find out on your own..”, and if so thats cool. i just thought others might benefit as well. If you can think of any posts where such things were discussed feel free to drop me a link. I will be trolling the site quite heavily in search of items to add to my “get this” compilation on my own as well.


Further —— if you feel like there is another piece of hardware in addition to what I have mentioned here that is a “must have” please also share that. I can do without VBXE - at least for now, and I can also do without stereo sound. Not really a big game player nor 8 bit musician!





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The real benefit of having a U1M is to marry it to a SIDE 3, you then have the ability to create "hard disk" partitions

on it's SD card one of those can be a FAT partition so easy to copy files onto the SD card and access them from your Atari.

You can also mount .ATR's from that FAT partition and access the disk images.

And there's so much more.


I don't have a Fujinet, but I'm sure others will tell what the benefits are of having one.

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