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RELEASE: Phoenix 2001 Diskodex v1.01 by O.P.A.

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Phoenix 2001 Diskodex v1.01 Source Code Release from the O.P.A. 1989 Archive


Here is another great release, this program was first written by me and Cecil Chin back in 1989 with the manual written by my dad, and was one of my first commercially sold programs, under the "Phoenix 2001" label, which at the time meant that the useful of the software would at least last until year 2001, and in part was a nod to my love for the Space Odyssey, and my brand-new projects I am working on now in the year 2024 will soon be released under the "Phoenix 2061" label, keeping with the trend and usefulness of being valid to use on your TI-99/4a or emulators or future hardware until the year 2061 and for my love of classic Sci-Fi.


Enjoy! 🥳




DISKODEX 2001 makes up master catalogs of your disks, and allows you to print, update, delete, sort, and display any of your files/disks.


DISKODEX 2001 has the feature of storing file comments that DISK UTILITIES by John Birdwell uses, allowing better catalogs.


Even though it stores more information than other programs it runs faster, using every gram of TI power. You can search in any combination of prefixes, suffixes, and wildcards in any field combination. As it has easy-to-learn menus, you probably won’t need the comprehensive manual. These and other great features are contained in a cohesive 100% Assembly program fitting well within your 32K.


It’s amazing!! 🙂

(The above description of Diskodex 2001 was quoted from my website: https://garyopa.com/diskodex/ )


(The large v1.01 release ZIP contains everything, screenshot, manual, disk image, source tree in PC & TIFIlLES formats and the ready to run assembled TI99 E/A #5 binaries)


Also available on my GitHub as well: https://github.com/gary99opa/Diskodex2001


* PHOENIX 2001 DISKODEX v1.01 by O.P.A.
* 1989 Source Code Release
* By Oasis Pensive Abacutors
* Via Gary Bowser (GARYOPA)
* Released April 14th, 2024
* Uploaded to ti99.atariage.com
CATLOG-S   -> DiskodeX Main Source Assemble File
CATLOG-M12 -> DX Catalog/Delete/Update/Disklist!
CATLOG-M3A -> DX Setup   of Print/Search Catalog
CATLOG-M3B -> DX Sorter for Print/Search Catalog
CATLOG-M45 -> DX Display Status and System Setup
CATLOG-SB1 -> DX Sub-Programs BL,BLWP's (1 of 2)
CATLOG-SB2 -> DX Sub-Programs BL,BLWP's (2 of 2)
CATLOG-DB1 -> DX Data Blocks  (Keep them at End)
CATLOG-LOW -> Phoenix 2001 Logo,Chars,Title Data
RDSKU-S    -> XB Utilities To Display DSK-U v4.1


DISKODEX.pdf Diskodex2001-Source-Files-Only.zip DISKODEX.dsk Diskodex2001_1_01_GARYOPA_04_14_2024.zip

Edited by Gary from OPA
Added GITHUB Repo Link
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For some strange reason my new GitHub for Diskodex I just noticed had all the same files as my first repo for 3DStringArt. (weird)


I really am a total noobie when it comes to using Git, but it's fixed now.


Hopefully, for my 3rd release I will get it right the first time! Wish me luck...



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