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I bought a vectrex with the image not filling the screen. Cranking up the x y pots enlarge the image to the point shown in the screenshot. 

The image went normal after performing zero dac procedure on IC304 (with oscilloscope) after thinkering at least 3 hours. The image enlarged when I triggered the signal.

The image remained ok for some time, the console was off for almost a week and when I checked again the image was shrunk again. So I performed the same tricks, the image expanded again, I cleaned and deoxidized the legs of IC304.


The image was good for another week than after a period of non use the image was small again. 


Reseated and cleaned all the components, cleaned the whole logic pcb, than I proceeded with zeroing the DAC (but was ok indeed) and doing the other screen calibrations. I swapped the opa IC304 with a new one but the image didn't change.


Now the image is shrunk all the time.


Do you have any suggestion? I was thinking of recapping the boards, even if there are no signs of corrosion.


thank you



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