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Lynx prototypes?


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As you probably already know, lots of Lynx games were never finished... but are there prototypes of any of these games?:


Rolling Thunder



Geo Duel

Guardians: Storm Over Doria

Blood & Guts Hockey

Full Court Press

Heavyweight Contender



Ninja Nerd


Guardians and Daemonsgate looked awesome! The only prototypes I've seen word of were Alien Vs. Predator (Which is surprisingly good!) and Eye Of The Beholder.



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I have a catalog that clearly shows 720, Rolling Thunder, and Vindicators, plus it also has title screens for Geoduel and Cabal so I'm guessing they exist somewhere. I think I heard that Vindicators does indeed exist as a prototype somewhere (I'd love to get my hands on it) and that Eye of the Beholder was finished. I think Harry Dodgenson has that prototype (or did about a year ago).



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I found these all in a catalog... which happens to have in-game screen shots of all the games I mentioned. The shots for Blood & Guts Hockey looks very preliminary (and crappy, unfortunately) though, so I have my doubts that this game got very far in development. Also, the pics for Eye of the Beholder aren't the same as the ones in the beta rom that's been floating around.


It's really too bad these games weren't finished... some of them look awfully good!



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  • 1 month later...


Originally posted by Ze_ro:

I found these all in a catalog... which happens to have in-game screen shots of all the games I mentioned. The shots for Blood & Guts Hockey looks very preliminary (and crappy, unfortunately) though, so I have my doubts that this game got very far in development. Also, the pics for Eye of the Beholder aren't the same as the ones in the beta rom that's been floating around.


It's really too bad these games weren't finished... some of them look awfully good!




Eye of the Beholder is finished, I think (I haven't progressed past level 9 myself). The graphics look just like the SNES version.


Many of the other prototypes were available and privately auctioned by former Atari employees. I couldn't afford more than

two of them as the price was rather steep.


The 720 proto that I have isn't more than a 3-D rotation demo. I've heard rumors about Vindicators but the artwork I acquired would seem to indicate otherwise. Wasn't Ninja Nerd the same thing as Fat Bobby?




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Yes, AFAIK Ninja Nerd turned into Fat Bobby at some point.


I actually found some Vindicators source code on an old Amiga floppy disk a few months ago! It wasn't for the Lynx version, though, but since it came from a Lynx developer system, it did make me wonder if this was source that could have been used for a port.


There is no proto for Guardians. All demos and source code were lost several years ago (sigh). And Cabal would have rocked, I used to be really impressed by this arcade game...

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  • 2 weeks later...

There was another game mentioned in the catalog that was never released under its original name... Grid Runner. I believe at one time it had a name change and is currently available from Song Birds Something like Hyperdome or similiar.


[edited, found the right name for Grid Runner]


[ 10-13-2001: Message edited by: wi1ykat ]

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  • 4 weeks later...


Originally posted by wi1ykat:

A lynx proto just popped on eBay


It looks like the seller is Sean Kelly...


Raiden was published by Telegames. While the eBay auction does appear to be a prototype, it is not an unpublished proto.


Oh, on the subject, there is one other unpublished Lynx oddity I can think of, the factory test cart. I bought one years ago, and haven't seen one available since.

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That reminds me of another thing: Blue Lightening Demo. I have seen 3 different flavors of that demo carts. The first version I've seen was waaaay back when Toys R Us just got Lynx, they had a demo set up behind the glass display and with the staff's permission I took a peek and saw a fat looking EPROM board.


Also there were 2 more that looks like production version, one with gold label and one with silver label. I used to have the one with gold label but I lost them. Any of you know where I could find them? I'd love to get the EPROM version

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I've got both the gold label version and the EPROM version... never heard of a silver label BL demo cart, though. This is a bonafide EPROM cart used in store displays and not a copy.


I might be willing to sell the EPROM version, but this is the only one I've ever seen in the Atari community... definitely a rare item. Contact me if interested.

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