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Yars Rising (by Atari+WayForward) - (in VCS Store)


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OK, update to my last post.


Just finished the game.


It was fun.

Controls are good and even thought the voice acting and music was not quite to my style (Which I now think is more because I am not an Anime guy than anything else), with music and voice volume turned down, it was pretty easy to forget about.


I wish it was longer and had a larger world to discover.

It feels only half as big a game as I would have liked.

Definitely not as expansive as Metroid Dread or Hollow Knight. 


I'd love to see an update that expanded the story and grew the world.

Even just a playable epilogue to give us a little more world building would be great.

If they instead just made a sequel, I think I'd get it. 👍


Overall, I'm happy with the game. 

Upping my personal rating to 7/10

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On 4/19/2024 at 2:40 PM, MrBeefy said:

I don't know if falling flat is the right phrase, but I agree. I think some of the bigger game companies would do themselves a favor by focusing more on AA games than high risk AAA.


I know for the hardcore Yar fans, a platformer may not be what they'll want, but it is worth a shot to expand the IP. It isn't like there is zero ways to play the original Yars. So totally worth the shot and I hope it lands well.

I kind of want to look into the psychology of gamers at some point... Like for me, I see a game that looks like it could be a lot of fun, and then I buy it, thinking 'I'll play it eventually'.  I know a lot of people are like this.  But then I see people like a friend of mine who pretty much buys one game, and plays the living hell out of it, and doesn't want to play anything else for a while.  I have to be in the mood for a game, and usually it's only particular types of games.  Like I'll fire up a CRPG and play it for a few hours, then it's out of my system and I'd rather play Yars Recharged or something quick and easy that you play until you get pissed off. 

But with 'AAA' gaming, you get these overly expensive, overly produced games that are just as full of bugs as B style games, and then they pad out how much money they make with DLC, season passes, etc... It'd be far better to spend less budget, and have more creativity on the game, and sell at the 'it looks shiny, I'll buy it' price point of 20-30 dollars.  That tends to make way more sales in the end so it's just more profitable than paying tons of money for artists, voice actors, etc.

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