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A Question About "Big Player"

Ed Siegler

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I just noticed something. Here's his info about the game Star Fire and how he got a patch for getting over 3500 points in the game...


2 Mike Stagney 3631 08/17/2003


Now tell me this. How is it that a guy can obtain a score like that on Star Fire, but cannot score higher than a 9 on Circus Atari???

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How? Very simply: Jittery paddles. You would think that a perveyor of fine 2600 equipment would have brought some non-jittery paddles to the Austin Gaming Expo. :D


Remember that I did score only 9 points on my first game. Despite repeated efforts, I was unable to obtain this low score again.


Also interesting that you bring up the Star Fire patch. http://www.atariage.com/2600/archives/Star...dron/index.html


I see a certain name missing from the page. :?:

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How?  Very simply:  Jittery paddles.  You would think that a perveyor of fine 2600 equipment would have brought some non-jittery paddles to the Austin Gaming Expo. :D



Clean those suckers up! A few QTips, a little alcohol, and one of these should do the trick for ya!

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How?  Very simply:  Jittery paddles.  You would think that a perveyor of fine 2600 equipment would have brought some non-jittery paddles to the Austin Gaming Expo. :D  


Remember that I did score only 9 points on my first game.  Despite repeated efforts, I was unable to obtain this low score again.


Also interesting that you bring up the Star Fire patch.  http://www.atariage.com/2600/archives/Star...dron/index.html


I see a certain name missing from the page. :?:


Yeah, sounds like an excuse to me. There was one pair of paddles that sucked, I'll give you that. But there was one set of good paddles and that's what you got the 9 on. Admit it pal. I don't know what you're admitting to, but just admit it!

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Yes, I admit it. I got a 9 on Circus Atari. Ed can also kick my ass at Kaboom.


But as far as paddle games go, no one can come close to me in Marble Craze. (Except for Paul Slocum of course. I'm glad we didn't have a Marble Craze deathmatch at AGE. I bow to the master there.)


Anyway, here's a picture of me in Austin playing Starfire. Ed's trying to pick up some pointers.


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How?  Very simply:  Jittery paddles.  You would think that a perveyor of fine 2600 equipment would have brought some non-jittery paddles to the Austin Gaming Expo. :D  


Remember that I did score only 9 points on my first game.  Despite repeated efforts, I was unable to obtain this low score again.


I was there and witnessed it. There were three others of us playing on the same set of paddles, and no one had a score quite like that 9. ;)


Anyway, here's a picture of me in Austin playing Starfire. Ed's trying to pick up some pointers.


Looks to me like he's in shock at how bad you were playing, and was about to report you on his cel phone to someone for your playing. Probably was alerting people to expect a new score for Circus Atari!

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do I see a copy of Beat'em & Eat'em sitting on top of those carts?


  :!:  :grin:  :party:


Actually, your eyes are quite fine. I found a copy of that for $25 in one of the bins at Austin. BP was afraid to play that one to for fear of loosing badly, as that was his way all weekend.


...sorry pal...

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do I see a copy of Beat'em & Eat'em sitting on top of those carts?


  :!:  :grin:  :party:


Actually, your eyes are quite fine. I found a copy of that for $25 in one of the bins at Austin. BP was afraid to play that one to for fear of loosing badly, as that was his way all weekend.


...sorry pal...


Ed also proved to be great at Lost Luggage that weekend.


Not the 2600 game. The real thing.


I would like to add that at no time did I participate in any loosing activities while in Austin.

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Ed also proved to be great at Lost Luggage that weekend.


Not the 2600 game.  The real thing.


I would like to add that at no time did I participate in any loosing activities while in Austin.


Man, at least US Air was more than happy to buy me some new clothes.


No loosing activities at all?

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I would like to add that at no time did I participate in any loosing activities while in Austin.


Didn't you go bowling with us one night? :)


I sure did. I stand corrected on the loosing activities. There's probably more loosing that I forgot about too. :D


I'm up for a bowling run after PC5.


A warning to you Ed. In Austin I was know as a bowling hustler.

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