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Your best 7800 deals?


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Whats the best deal or price you have gotten on 7800 carts or system? For me it would have to be when i got out bid for few 7800 games on ebay. I emailed the guy to ask what other 7800 games he had i gave him a list of some games i was looking for. He emaied me back and said he had a boxed and sealed basketbrawl he would sale me for $10 plus $2.50 shipping that was awesome by it self but when i got it in the mail not only was there a boxed basketbrawl but he also sent me a boxed mean 18 for free!

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I just baught a box of stuff. it was 30 bucks the guy told me it was all atari so I boght it sight unseen. anyway when I opened it it was a 7899 with all hookups, about 100 2600 games (about 25 I did not have) and about 25 7800 games (12 of which were still sealed w price stickers on!) nice haul I thought

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wow thats a gr8 deal, 7800s are gr8 to collect for as they wornt that popular around the NES days so people generally disgard them, and theres alot more people that are interested in collecting for the 2600, so there cheaper ;)


but the best deal ive got, and still waiting for, is this 7800 with 14 MIB games.. if it eva gets here... oh and i did pick up a 7800 and a garage sale for £7!

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In 1994 I purchased several dozzen 7800 units for something like three dollars a piece directly from Leonard Tramiel. I also had to purchase a large amount of parts and pay for shipping. Still, it was a great deal. I gave a lot of them away for Christmas and Birthdays. *shruggs*

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My 7800 with 2 Pro-Lines and these games...



Pole Position II

One-on-One (boxed)




The price? $27. Then, a few days after, I got more 7800 games for $12.50...


Touchdown Football


Ms. Pac-Man

Joust (2 copies)

Choplifter (2 copies, 1 NIB)

2600 Crystal Castles (NIB)

Crossbow (NIB)

Pole Position II (NIB)

Mario Bros.

Donkey Kong Jr.


Hat Trick

Dig Dug


And best of all, I got Commando with it! :)

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Best deal was when my dad bought a 7800 system from someone he worked with back in 1997.


Came with the 7800 (and all necessary hookups), two Prolines, an extra 2600 joystick, paddle controllers, racing controllers, a Video Touch Pad, and about 25 or so 2600 games (with a Pole Position II included). Can't remember the exact list of games, because they're all commons (and I used some of the ones I already had a copy of as trade-bait. :D


Total price: $10.

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Whats the best deal or price you have gotten on 7800 carts or system? For me it would have to be when i got out bid for few 7800 games on ebay.  I emailed the guy to ask what other 7800 games he had i gave him a list of some games i was looking for. He emaied me back and said he had a boxed and sealed basketbrawl he would sale me for $10 plus $2.50 shipping that was awesome by it self but when i got it in the mail  not only was there a  boxed basketbrawl but he also sent me a boxed mean 18 for free!


Not a 7800 story but I got a Lynx deal like that. I bought a Marlboro Man from someone on eBay for whatever the reasonable going rate was at the time, and when it arrived there was another PCB EPROM game in the box saying he found it and threw it in. Turned out to be Loopz.



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