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Labyrinth Prototype Released


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Labyrinth2.gifThanks go out to Marvin Lambright of the NorthWest Classic Games Enthusiasts for allowing us to share the binary image to the unreleased Starpath prototype Labyrinth. Labyrinth was listed in an early Starpath Catalog,but was eventually released as Escape From the Mindmaster. Labyrinth is an obvious work-in-progress version of Escape From the Mindmaster, but with many changes from what was finally released (different mazes, sounds, music, etc.). You can download Labyrinth here, which has been tested with the excellent z26 emulator. You can also buy a copy of Labyrinth in CD form with a in DVD-style packaging here.


Thanks also go out to JL for sending me the binary, which I had not yet converted from CD audio. The game was discovered as a tape, so he may very well have been the first person to run it in an emulator. :)



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Thanks also go out to JL for sending me the binary, which I had not yet converted from CD audio.  The game was discovered as a tape, so he may very well have been the first person to run it in an emulator.  :)


Well I hope to be the first person to run it on the Cuttle Cart 2!


UPDATE: Verified to work on a real Atari console: the 7800 via Cuttle Cart 2! :D


Rob Mitchell, Atlanta, GA

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Cool! 8)


BTW: CloneSpy says:

                                                    0  1

0 Escape from the Mindmaster (1982) (Starpath)...   . 26

1 labyrinth......................................  22  .

:idea: So they are definitely related to each other.

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